Thursday, March 27, 2014

"The Truce of God"

I propose a new “Truce of God.” 

        Iran must unilaterally stop enriching uranium to the higher levels that approach weapons grade and submit to unfettered inspection and 24 hour surveillance of all its nuclear facilities.  Upon submission, energy sanctions will be ended, and assistance with peaceful nuclear energy will be provided.  A non-proliferation treaty must be signed between Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia with Israel and Western powers recognizing all three of these nations right to peaceful nuclear energy on the condition they come in full compliance with AEAA and all other non-proliferation treaties, submitting to continued camera surveillance of all nuclear facilities by the Security Council member nations.  I would suggest Israel agree to a ten percent reduction in their nuclear arsenal and both America and Russia reaffirm their commitments to the previously signed New Start Treaty.   With America continuing its creation of a defensive shield around Europe in response to Iran’s increasing long-range ballistic missile capabilities, America should fulfill Putin’s request for a legally binding non-aggression pact in exchange for their immediate withdrawal of all military personnel and support for Assad’s regime in Syria.  Assad must observe the terms of his recent cease-fire with the rebels of Homs or else accept exile in Russia and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad must peacefully transfer power at the end of his final term, on August 3rd, 2013.   As Iran makes progress towards fulfilling these terms sanctions will be further eased and with the acceptance of UN election monitors and a peaceful transition of power, sanctions will be removed completely.

          Israel should accept the proposals of the Obama administration on an Israeli/Palestinain peace agreement starting with a halt to continued building projects in the occupied territories, with an obvious understanding that the Golan Heights and other areas geographically vital to the defense of Israel will not be negotiated and if necessary, unilaterally swapped for.  America should make known its defeat of Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and attempt to find peace with the Taliban.  To do so, it must aggressively defeat the Taliban fighters, requiring oaths of loyalty to the Afghanistan Government and Constitution at penalty of treason, with offers of jobs and participation in municipal level democracy for compliance.  America must repair relationships with Pakistan, offering a halt to signature drone strikes and financial aid for renewed efforts to subdue Taliban regiments in the North West portion of Pakistan where crossing into Afghanistan to cause trouble is common. 
           With these accomplished, true peace between Islam and the West can be achieved with further economic and political integration benefitting the people of all nations, races and creeds.   
             Imagine a world of sovereign democracies with open economic systems based on free market principals, where the interests of citizens are the focus and both liberal individual and human rights are upheld in a backdrop of international collaboration and religious freedom.  The wars my ancestors fought in were won less by the superiority of their fighting and more by the superiority of their causes.   They conquered ground and territory, but they also pushed the world along the road of progress.  My generation will not surrender an inch of this territory and the rights of citizens both domestically and abroad should be expected to expand, not retract.  America’s government is great, because its government is the people, and despite all the efforts of the corporate media to divide us and delude us with beliefs that corporate policies should trump the law and that we should accept the role of docile sheep, in the privacy of our rooms, away from our titles and position we all stand together.  This is not about being a Democrat or Republican, Communist or Capitalist, Occupy Wall Street protestor or Tea Party member, Border Patrol or US Navy Seal, Salesman or Professor, its about what America has always been, and always will be; an attainable ideal of freedom, liberty, justice and prosperity for people of all races, creeds and national origins.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Torture as policy is unacceptable. #Feinstein

Torture as Policy is unacceptable.  

  America is a representative democracy and at root in this little dispute between the Central Intelligence Agency and the Senate Intelligence committee is civilian control. With respect for John Brennan and the need for an effective intelligence agency, substantial liberty in its operations overseas and abroad, there is no question that it needs democratic oversight, that the senate committee on intelligence is the safeguard for the populace and that the CIA's efforts at deception, at subterfuge and even espionage on the Senate Committee overseeing it are so beyond anything that is acceptable or healthy for our Republic that I cannot ethically avoid comment. I have an immense amount of respect for the hard work and tremendous risk that our CIA agents expose themselves to on a daily basis, but the efforts of the Senate and decisions of the Senate Intelligence committee are their own independent decisions that they should be free to make without fear of reprisal, intimidation or obstruction as their vital role of oversight requires.

   The CIA is employed by tax payers, it works for the Senate that the American people have hired to represent them, and Senator Feinstein, along with her colleagues have done the job their constituents have asked of them. The insubordination of the CIA cannot be tolerated. A review of tactics and a concerted effort to verify not only their effectiveness, as a matter of acquiring actionable intelligence, but also in the achievement of our broader mission, requires an inclusive discussion and clear light as to what happened and whether or not such tactics were of optimal effectiveness in garnering actionable intelligence and also to the achievement of American goals in the Middle East and abroad. I contend that any short term intelligence gains were far out weighed by the damage to America's reputation, when there were other ways that could have abstracted the intelligence that would have appeared less callous, vicious and evil. America needs to come clean about what the Bush Administration did during its reign, and the public has a right to know about these atrocious deeds as it considers its next set of leaders.

   In a recent poll, 69% of Americans think “water-boarding is a form of torture.” 58% of those Americans polled said they did not agree that water-boarding should be used “to get information from suspected terrorists.” Based on the increased amounts of insurgent behavior after the Abu Ghraib photos I would contend that these activities cost tax payers no less than 500 billions dollars, placed American soldiers, warriors and personnel overseas in not only greater risk but inevitably cost lives, while increasing their risk of exposure to such tactics by our enemies. They undermined Americas reputation abroad and created unquantifiable damage to our national interest by fostering recruitment by terrorist organizations and mistrust by good people everywhere. These actions also hurt domestic support for our efforts abroad, as the public felt mislead and coerced into participation in actions so clearly inhumane, in violation of all basic notions of human rights and against the laws of warfare.

   This is not to distract from the actions of our enemy, the brutal tactics of both Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the regimes that America and our allies defeated in Libya, Iraq and Afghanistan, but a recognition that America need not become our enemy to defeat him. America needs to separate itself by setting the example of resolute and virtuous leadership. America was formed to be democratic and prosperous, principled and just. The deprived and systematic barbarity of these programs are no longer hidden and cannot be concealed. Efforts to shape public opinion in support of such tactics have failed. Torture is wrong in all circumstances. America cannot prosecute tyranny abroad if it is unwilling to hold our own selves to a higher bar of morality. The Bush Administration oversaw and encouraged the deliberate administration of heinous crimes against humanity. These tactics are inexcusable moving forward and the attorney generals and other federal prosecutors should strongly consider pursuing criminal penalties for such atrocities so that these actions do not become precedent actions for future regimes. The precedent we need look to is the prosecutions of “Eichmann” at the Hague following World War II and his actions to facilitate the transit of Jews to concentration camps by train. Duty and obedience were not accepted as a defense, even when “Eichmann” did not hold a deadly hand in the third reich's systematic campaigns of genocide. As a country, we cannot indulge the sadism of a few, at the expense of many. Such crimes against humanity cannot go unpunished, our flag was not raised as a shield of immunity and excuse for the darkest measures of depravity. America needs to work to align its realities with its ideals if it hopes to win its war against terror and retain its position as global leader.

A few points more points. 

  By thoroughly investigating such crimes against humanity, America can begin to provide the appropriate psychological supervision to these participants, and with some show of remorse and clarity as to who was ordering what, prison sentences can be avoided as long as these individuals are not deemed incompatible threats to Public Safety.  The CIA needs to reorient itself away from its obsession with big data and high-tech.  While there is obviously a need for some forms of high-tech surveillance I would contend that a return to classic human intelligence, as exemplified by MI6 during World War II is preferred direction and better buy for the American Taxpayers.  CIA needs to know all of our enemy's codes, weapons systems, the psychology of their decision makers, embedded assets in enemy command and in sensitive locations while turning their Generals, their populaces, their ministers on America and the democracy, market liberalization and common law notions of justice she advances.  America can seek partnerships with all of the nations in the world to expand peace, liberty and prosperity.  By training agents to be responsible decision makers and providing them the financial assets necessary to build operational cells throughout the world, our security can be advanced and the intelligence our military command needs, acquired.  If you are going to use any type of torture, it better be because you have collaborated stories that an individual has nuclear weapons in the country and the clock is ticking.  Otherwise, keep with the better interrogation techniques or place some cash on the table. 

   America should signal to Al-Qaeda and their affiliates that those groups that show restraint to avoid civilian casualties, that engage in uniformed battle and follow traditional rules of warfare, including avoiding executions of prisoners, as witnessed with the handling of nuns in taken Christian towns in Syria, will be engaged according to the rules of law by the United States of America with our support in seeking further penalties against Bashar Al-Assad in the Permanent Court of Arbitration along with the United Nations International Criminal Court.   

   America should coordinate with Afghanistan should coordinate with Pakistan to squeeze the Taliban on two fronts in anticipation of the fast approaching cessations of hostilities and Taliban white flagged surrender and formal ceremony ending hostilities and training for the fire department in exchange for their weapons.  

   In the shorter term, the increasingly developed intelligence entities within the armed forces can be effective, but this can allow for drift from the Commander and Chief's ability to oversee and coordinate activities.  Some presidents may rather none the less trust their military command to the dirty work, but the recent revelations surrounding the NSA and Barack Obama's apparent blindness on the matter and now the CIA's spying on Senators violates vital rules for civilian control, a matter that is a clear necessity and obvious constitutional mandate.  Still clear parameters of action and the freed hands of regional commanders around the globe to effectively win small wars can prevent the need to fight large ones. While it may be a popular belief in some circles, political action cannot be simply a distraction so that Government officials can act.  America, as a Republic, is a representative democracy and as a matter of law, those individuals elected are at the center of Command, governance and decision making.  This means competent Sheriffs and electing presidents with more command experience, either as governors or generals, or when former Senators are elected president, finding a General he or she trusts to keep in close contact and relation.  If we are not receiving orders, we need to listen to their words and find ways to administer to them either by way of governmental departments, or by way of market participation.  The citizens can choose their preferred provider.  

Monday, March 10, 2014

Putin, not so rational after-all.

Putin, not so rational after-all.

   I've read sparsely little about disturbing irrationality of Vladimire Putin in the heat of the crimean crisis. Why in the world would he jeopardize sanctions on his fast growing economy and increased international isolation and condemnation for a move that can only guarantee Ukrainian permanent integration into the EU, and the loss of a vital market and manufacturing base? Encouraging Crimea to remain a part of Ukraine but negotiating for continued autonomy and the permanence of naval basis would be the rationally self-interested and realizable position for Russia. If the Russians of Crimea are removed from the voting electorate of Ukraine, the pro-western elements of Ukraine will win every forseable future election, something that would not be guaranteed with the votes of substantial Russian speaking populations of Crimea necessarily contended for. How can Vladimir Putin contend to continue to keep his iron grasp on the Russian state without the support of his oligarchs? Clearly the oligarchs are white in the face, scared and aware of the easy devastation of economic harm that that can be levied directly at the oligarchs personal accounts should Russia claim crimea its own. Surely the Duma must be flooded with urgent calls not to allow for Crimean integration, the real costs of being denied western finance and the freezing of funds must be shivering the spines of the well off as the chest bearing enthusiasm of last week's Russian nationalism subsides.

    Understand, Putin is the remaining vanguard of old Russia, the former head of the KGB whose university thesis details the importance of building Russian corporations capable of challenging American corporations. Behind the scenes, as Boris was declaring a free russia from on top a tank in Moscow, the old KGB and Russian Mobsters were positioning to benefit from the fire-sale of state assets, selling Aks and Oozies to the Comorrah crime families of Naples and who knows what else, for even MIG fighter jets have been intercepted at ports of entry, taken apart for reassembly like ikea furniture amongst the traditional fair of legitimate imports. Strongmen aligning themselves with Putin have been providing the intel and muscle to secure and defend various robust clanking, sluggish Russian monopolies. The opposition either left to run NBA teams or faced politically motivated arrests and persecution.

     If it were not for the oligarchy, Putin would not have Russia. He cannot hope to rule by thuggery alone and its hard to imagine how he can maintain the base of support necessary to rule if he continues his current course. His old world KGB thinking has already cost billions of losses in serious market sell offs and sanctions would quickly cool any future aspirations at peeling away old Soviet territories with large ethnic-Russian or Russian speaking populations. Out of respect for the right at self-determination of the Crimean people and understanding for Putin's need to hold a warm water port, I ask whether or not the highly illegal incorporation of Crimea into the Russian Federation is worth it, or whether the cooler compromise of Crimean Autonomy and the protection of a permanent naval presence is not an adequate bite to satisfy America's best enemy? Think wisely, Vlad, for Trotsky is calling from his grave to have you swept into the dust bin of history with Tsar Nicholas. It would be a shame to see our Eastern foe realize the tragic end of every morality play, for hubris is the common culprit of every downfall. Dear Putin, its not too late, Lidia has left, but Alina still waits, Russia can still be yours, but the timeline for the return of your sailors to their barracks and quarters has begun. These are the truths Putin, I am merely an articulate observer. I wish the federation and its people the best. I praise you for a successful olympic games and hope for a normalization of relations and continuance of collaboration on a multitude of other issues upon the resolution of this little rue.  Have a hand pour you a stolichnaya with ice.  Adieu.   

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

America should seek military bases to house 40,000 troops in North Africa to assist in operational training and intelligence collection. #BarackObama #Ukraine #Russia #Crimea #Taliban #ISIS #Al-Qaeda #BokoHaram #NationalSecurity #HomelandSecurity #Hegel #Pentagon #DOD


    Proposed Policy Revisions

#BarackObama #Ukraine #Russia #Crimea #Taliban #ISIS #Al-Qaeda #BokoHaram #NationalSecurity #HomelandSecurity #Hegel #Pentagon #DOD

     With respect for Hegel's plan to reduce the army by 40,000 recent tensions with Russia and recent attacks by Boko Haram in Nigeria make such calls unrealistic and dangerous and urge Barack Obama and the pentagon to scrap such plans instead in favor of a plan to pursue robust partnerships with Nigeria, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Egypt and Algeria that include the stationing of as many as 40,000 US troops to help with intelligence and operational training (forward policing and border security), with the State Department to help continue improving the functionality of their democracies and business partnerships to increase the productivity of their economies.  Let it be clear, America cannot afford to abandon Afghanistan and needs to keep an extended military presence, even if such a presence is kept safely within the barracks of its larger bases and airstrips, while negotiates with Iraq should not rule out the return of the US military assistance necessary in containing and combatting ISIS and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.

[Specifically I recommend American military presence and bases in North Eastern Nigeria, in central Mali, in South Eastern Libya and along the borders where ISIS and their affiliates have taken advantage of porous borders to wage cross border attacks on Western owned assets and to interfere with the progression of democracy, Christian religious worship and College Attendance. The development of such bases and presence should be in partnership with these regional countries, and America should serve an auxiliary role, helping with intelligence and operational training. Regional Commanders, however, should be encouraged to be provided the free hand to use overwhelming military force whenever US military or the State Department at bases, embassies or elsewhere receive armed engagement so that it is clear to all, that direct military challenge to the United States of America is an instance death sentence and that we will not wait for diplomacy and international organizations to enact justice and achieve deterrence.]

     It is my assessment that efforts to direct periphery movements into acceptable movements (as supported in my earlier papers and as monitored) was hampered by the Egyptian Militaries decision to remove Morsi from power in Egypt, that while they should have let the Muslim Brotherhood fail and democratic transition to take place, that other Islamist movements looking to work peacefully within the democratic system need to take heed to the reality that the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt failed to adequately enshrine minority protections and traditional liberal institutions of democracy (ie., independent courts) as matters of law. These realities sealed the Muslim Brotherhoods fate in Egypt's Arab Spring. The actions of Islamists in Tunisia took a different course and I point to there willingness to work with liberal collaborators in the Arab Spring to draft more workable constitutions protecting democratic institutions and minority rights, to illustrate that America and the West are not against moderate forms of Islam or their inclusion within the democratic process. This is something recent roes between individual agitators within Saudi Arabia and the rebel brigades of Syria should take note of if they wish to see an amiable end other than grey prison concrete or the blackness of death.

    I reiterate, that Al-Qaeda's strategy is to draw America and the West into costly and difficult fights with mutual enemies such as Assad's regime in Syria, a country with a capable military and advanced anti-aircraft artillery, in to Yemen- a country with nearly 50 million guns and of course, into Afghanistan- what Osama called the “Graveyard of Empires” and into Saddam's Iraq. Al-Qaeda's Modus Operandi is to thrive on the destruction of stabilizing secular or Western aligned states, to promote and sow ethnic strife, to create extended chaos that tires populations only to then present Sharia law as the answer and efficient means of restoring basic order. Al-Qaeda then sets up an Islamic state and immediately seeks to expand to surrounding territories.  America's lower risk approach of continued drone and air strikes directed at nodes of Al-Qaeda recruitment and operational planning is a necessary and sound security practice that should be continued, if not increased.  

     It is because of this, that America, the West and our partners across the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia need to foster strong partnerships with the countries that have economic and democratic potentials, to secure their solvency and forward their progression so that Al-Qaeda is unable to spread its ideology and increasingly sees its proponents captured, killed or defeated, so that the Middle East and Africa, has its own Economic base, political structures and capable militaries, police forces and courts to combat, arrest and convict both agents of Al-Qaeda, affiliated groups and proponents of similar means and ends. I present this without enthusiasm, but if we wish to responsibly pursue security within the realities of the world, these recommendations are necessary to implement.

    These military actions have to come with serious efforts to raise robust aid and investment packages for Ukraine far larger than the 1 billion raised by the United States unilaterally. Their also needs to be more serious and substantial multilateral conversations about Afghanistan and Libya's future, progress and ongoing support to elevate their standards of living, volume of trade and to prevent the emergence of terrorist safe havens. All of these outward actions need to coincide with a serious and determined look at our domestic economy, to summon and marshal business leaders to be sure that economic retraction is not an option and that the federal reserve, our banking institutions and legislators are ready to do whatever is necessary to ensure continued recovery and economic growth in all sectors of our economy, with this in part being facilited by increasing coordination with the state department to garner profitable contracts for American companies products and services abroad in opening or recently opened markets, along with markets with suboptimal trade imbalances; in part by coordination with the commerce department to oversee the continued creation of quality jobs domestically for recent college graduates and others that have faced structural unemployment and undergone or need job retraining. This does not mean the continued exportation of American jobs to cheaper labor markets, this means the sale of American made products to foreign buyers with the expansion of America's domestic industrial base understood as a vital pillar in our National Security Strategy. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Clear Actions Barack Obama can take to defend Ukraine from Russian Aggression.

"Russia on Wrong Side of History" - Barack Obama

   With Russian actions in Ukraine, the Russians and Iranians are watching closely and testing American resolve in an effort to better refine their formulas for foreign policy.  In response I recommend President Barack Obama-

1.  Commence discussions with Poland over previous Missile Defenses shelved as a diplomatic gesture to Putin who had previously made such a request.  

2. An New Marshall plan boosting Ukraine's economic situation that includes substantial supplies of energy resources from NAFTA countries to help offset any of Putin's chicanery.  

3. Talks of fast track integration of Ukraine into the EU and Nato should be discussed as the mobilization of Ukraine should be facilitated.

4. UN treaty violations, and Russian/Ukrainian treaty violations should be made a legal point in all relevant venues. 

5. Regional NATO forces should be placed on high-alert with bolstering security for the Ukrainian leadership provided. 

6. The Ukrainian leadership should make it clear that 1. It wishes to continue acknowledging and protecting the same degrees of Crimean sovereignty it enjoyed under the previous administration and 2. That Russia can be comfortable in its continued naval presence on the condition it immediately expedites its withdrawal of military forces from Crimea, recognizes the new Ukrainian government and urges the Crimean leadership to commence talks and normalize relations, with Crimea remaining a sovereign state within Ukraine.  UN and World Bank monitored  conference between the governor of Crimea, the interim leadership of Ukraine should discuss the terms of autonomy if they need to be expanded from current terms, if they need to formally be acknowledged by the new Ukrainian government as is, etc…   

7. G8 formally and permanently replace Russia with Brazil. 

Special thanks to Fareed Zakaria for his tremendous work and contributions on this matter.   Please excuse my informal citations.