Monday, March 3, 2014

Clear Actions Barack Obama can take to defend Ukraine from Russian Aggression.

"Russia on Wrong Side of History" - Barack Obama

   With Russian actions in Ukraine, the Russians and Iranians are watching closely and testing American resolve in an effort to better refine their formulas for foreign policy.  In response I recommend President Barack Obama-

1.  Commence discussions with Poland over previous Missile Defenses shelved as a diplomatic gesture to Putin who had previously made such a request.  

2. An New Marshall plan boosting Ukraine's economic situation that includes substantial supplies of energy resources from NAFTA countries to help offset any of Putin's chicanery.  

3. Talks of fast track integration of Ukraine into the EU and Nato should be discussed as the mobilization of Ukraine should be facilitated.

4. UN treaty violations, and Russian/Ukrainian treaty violations should be made a legal point in all relevant venues. 

5. Regional NATO forces should be placed on high-alert with bolstering security for the Ukrainian leadership provided. 

6. The Ukrainian leadership should make it clear that 1. It wishes to continue acknowledging and protecting the same degrees of Crimean sovereignty it enjoyed under the previous administration and 2. That Russia can be comfortable in its continued naval presence on the condition it immediately expedites its withdrawal of military forces from Crimea, recognizes the new Ukrainian government and urges the Crimean leadership to commence talks and normalize relations, with Crimea remaining a sovereign state within Ukraine.  UN and World Bank monitored  conference between the governor of Crimea, the interim leadership of Ukraine should discuss the terms of autonomy if they need to be expanded from current terms, if they need to formally be acknowledged by the new Ukrainian government as is, etc…   

7. G8 formally and permanently replace Russia with Brazil. 

Special thanks to Fareed Zakaria for his tremendous work and contributions on this matter.   Please excuse my informal citations.    


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