House Republicans need to break the immigration impasse. #TedCruz #GOP #TeaParty
Upon further research and data driven analysis I retract the below paper. Clearly, there is a multitude of real threats form within the illegal immigration population that makes any blanket provisions of amnesty inappropriate for any defined groups or classes of illegal immigrants. Furthermore, doing such would reward illegal entry and violations of the law to the detriment of a long list of law abiding applicants. Additionally, it is clear that US immigration policies have artificially driven down wages and displaced many American workers. While I would support an increased number of legal immigrants from Mexico if paired with a tightening immigration enforcement and reduced number of immigrants from Communist and Islamist counties, it is clear that the US needs to take serious actions to make sure that the Government is prioritizing US citizenry's return to high work force participation rates.
Necessary Immigration Reform
The deadlock over government funding has ended- at least for now- and our work commences with some glimmer of hope that it will be compensated. Immigration reform is high on the Agenda for the Obama administration and its high-time we reform our laws away from protectionism and racial paranoia to a sensible strategy that will both improve economic performance and extend the solvency of social security and medicare. As long as there are low pay, low skilled jobs that American citizens are unwilling to take, we are going to need to find hard-working immigrants willing to take them. The efforts at radical anti-immigration bills in Alabama, for example, have been disastrous as offers of $15/hour wages to farm have failed to recruit the necessary skilled farm hands as unpicked food sources have rotted on the vines.
For many college educated, middle-class workers, the immigrant population offers a less egotistical, hard-working and affordable labor force upon which to build profitable companies and provide valuable services and/or products. The provision of social security cards and proper collection of social security and medicare taxes widens our tax base and increases the long term solvency of social security. The Senate bill, as is, works to achieve this end by providing a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants. Eradicating the vagueness and vulnerabilities of illegal residency promotes humanitarian ends by busting bad bosses, reducing potential unlawful sex trafficking and creating a fair field of play on which for businesses to compete.
The Senate bills is extensive in its expansion of border securities, a great place to create jobs for individuals tired of working for corporate America and troops returning from our campaigns in the Middle East. Border security is an important component of containing a mexican drug war that has spiraled out of control. Increasing the border security will help prevent the flow of drugs into our country, while also improving our capability to stabilize mexico and minimize the risk of a narco-state emerging in our neighbor, ally and vital trading partner. Reducing the cross border flow of illegal drugs will change the nature of drug supply from massive and complex violent transnational operations to tolerable and peaceful domestic suppliers. With a peaceful domestic supply, demand can then be appropriately addressed by better preventative drug education in schools and medical approaches to detox, dependency, addiction and rehabilitation.
The formation of W-Status visa's, or limited duration visas, are a valuable legalized means of allowing for an economically necessary immigrant workforce that can be monitored by Homeland Security, protected by law while benefiting the overall economic performance of our country. Every country that has growth, depends on an affordable labor market and W-Status visa's will alter the dynamics driving corporations oversees creating more management and corporate positions for American Citizens and higher tax yields for government. This bill has bipartisan support and authorship, the frustration with an obstinate congressional element engaged in what will be spun as sabotage in mid-term elections and the continued effort to play winner-take-all politics by the radicals of the right wing is only going to allow for the Democrats to take-all in 2014. Passing this legislation is a no-brainer, that all Americans should get behind. The negotiating ends, conversations and discussions about the science based merit of various laws, policy and legislation can commence but only if it they are conducted based on accurate facts and properly conducted scientific policy studies. The bible, ideological doctrine and a creed of shortsighted and narrow self-interest is not an appropriate basis for administrable policy in a cosmopolitan and diverse nation such as ours.
The policy charade created by the tea party has to end, the whole sale purchasing of elections by business interests and idiocratic squandering of financial resources on antigovernment propaganda ploys can only be defined as corruption and borders on both subterfuge and subversion, charges attorney generals and federal agencies may pursue with increasingly effectiveness. The callous desire to deprive millions of hardworking Americans affordable healthcare is outrageous, particularly as the Making Healthcare Affordable bill infuses a healthy dose of capitalism that should be viewed as a necessary compromise between a wide range of constituencies that has already been negotiated, passed, tested and is now law. This is a hard fought reality that has made it true for the first time in American history that health insurance companies cannot deny you coverage for pre-existing conditions or drop your coverage because if you are not right now, at sometime in the future you will be sick and need medical attention.
625,000 people died in the Civil War because repugnant ignoramuses persuaded a sizable minority to believe that owning other human beings as property somehow had something to do with a state's rights. Brothers were forced to fight brothers, friends were forced to kill friends and over half a million Americans died unnecessarily. Our country was weakened, the damage immense and the scars persist across the South today. The short-sighted greed of plantation owners is mirrored by the business owners of today looking to deprive their employs of basic healthcare, looking for unfair advantage in a competitive marketplace where health savings become investments in advertising or research and development that drive profits but also reduce our standard of living. The issue is closed. The Union will be preserved, our great nation shall stand United and our Democratic Republic will persist to be ruled by its constitution and its laws from which no citizen will be deprived of their protections. Congress is welcomed to review and suggest changes to the senate immigration bill, but it is encouraged to promptly facilitate its passage as a sensible protection of American sovereign soil and a creator of quality jobs.
Upon further research I formally recant my position and believe that Ted Cruz's position was correct and his political acts heroic. I would favor instead a focused reduction in abortions to help allow for adequate labor supply and tolerate an increase in wages to recruit workers. A reduction in the welfare state would help encourage domestic supply for these positions that would better represent our long term national interests.
An effectively managed and enforce W-Visa program; however, is an effective and realistic way of balancing labor demands and a need to retain control over immigration in a way that maximizing economic benefit while minimalizing security and social costs.
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