Thursday, September 26, 2013

How America Can Help Mexico's Emergency Response

#Ingrid #Manuel #Acapulco #Mexico #Tropical Depression #Hurricane 

    With hurricanes and tropical depressions ripping the shores of Mexico the American Government needs to show some overtures of diplomacy beyond a contribution to the American Cross.  I'd advise sending some coast guard ships down to Acapulco with helicopters capable of assisting in rescue options, providing some malaria medications and FEMA emergency response teams to coordinate humanitarian relief.  It also may be necessary to send in some extra DEA officers to help contain whatever crime epidemics may move in resulting from the distraction of police forces by the storm. 

    There is also an opportunity for banks, construction workers and building suppliers to seek contract work to rebuild any homes that have been destroyed.  The Mexican Government should help guarantee loans to families that have lost their homes to help rebuild according to stricter building codes capable of withstanding hurricanes or earthquakes.  America should of course listen to the market and to Mexican Government as to what type of help and support they need. 


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