Thursday, August 8, 2013

Why does the US-Russian Relation Matter?

Why does the US-Russian Relation Matter?

    The fact that Paul J. Saunders can question the importance of US-Russian relations shows such immense ignorance of history that its as if he completely blocked out the twenty first century.  With so much to do about the Middle East and the War on Terror, post 9/11 and the rapid rise of China, its true that Russia is no longer the primary focal point of US foreign policy or the center piece of our national interest; however, Russia's military capabilities, the cunning of its KGB leadership and immense natural resources make it a player in the global game that you cannot ignore.  China has no history of territorial expansion, the Middle East has been to busy fighting and destroying itself to present a serious challenge to the US and so Russia, with its constant meddling, ever present game playing, espionage, seduction and muscle persists to be power- that as much as our psychology wishes to brush into the dust ban of history- we cannot, because its nuclear arsenal, rugged weaponry and clandestine apparatus is the competitor that our national worth needs, setting bar, but setting bar that we easily overcome and surpass.   

     The issue, the quagmire, is in trust.  Both sides have been gaming each other for so long, with realism as the defining lens of our international relations, predicting Russia/American actions so accurately that it has nearly become a matter of scientific law that the ever present jockeying for advantage, positioning for leverage and negotiating for self-interest has stalemated the relationship.  Jervis theory and mutually assured destruction, is all that keep us at peace.  Its tragic, because if America and Russia could overcome their past, move beyond their differences and collaborate in the spirit of genuine partnership, they could resolve so many of the international problems jeopardizing our globe.  If Russia and America could work together in dealing with Syria, Iran and North Korea, the world could enjoy meaningful and acceptable peace allowing for security and prosperity never before experienced.  

      And so, what would it take to build that trust, and how can that trust ever be when the foreign services of the two nations are filled with generations of individuals whose cold war world view has imbued their understanding of the relationship?  Time, may be the only cure, as gradual progress, diplomatic gestures and collaborative efforts remain guarded with caution and the lessons of history.  Direct war is unlikely, but will the proxy battles ever stop?  Will Russia ever truly democratize and will American realities ever match up with their democratic ideals? That is the challenge the countries face, as foils to each other we must shift the competition away from the military and back into the treatment of our citizens, the rights we afford them, the opportunities provided them and the standard of living they enjoy.   

     We've certainly progressed from the Soviet Era when nuclear annihilation seemed eminent, but where is the relationship going to go without increased economic integration?  We've moved from the nuclear age to the cyber age and it may be in cyber space where the relationship evolves.  Unfortunately, Russia has been home to prodigious hackers and become global leaders in internet fraud branding Russia as the by-product of a mafioso state in bed with the old Soviet intelligence apparatus, where speaking out draws politically motivated charges and foreign investors see the risks associated with investment as too high, despite the undoubtedly immense opportunities for growth.  So perhaps the area of hope, at least for the Governments of Russia and the United States of America, is in areas of Security surrounding the internet.  If America and the United States can collaborate and address the issues of internet security together, preventing the radicalization and monitoring the communication between our common foes, proving that the genuine threats and plots can be thwarted without totally destroying privacy, then there is hope, promise and a realistic expectation can be set that our Governments and our People can live together in peace.  We can find compliance to the New Start treaty, prevent the nuclear armament of Iran, defeat Al-Qaeda and progress together into the cyber-age with better communication on issues of law enforcement and terror threats, pinpointing troublesome issues and responding appropriately.  


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