Demand Justice and Safety: It's Time for the Federal Government to Step in and End Santuary City Policies in San Jose, California.
A crime wave is ripping across San Jose with irreparable consequences for the tax paying citizens of what should be one of the most marvelous cities in the world. One party rule and the lack of political competition has allowed for incompetence and sloppy policies to shield criminals from prosecution. The situation has slipped beyond either the Mayor or the San Jose Police Department's control. Clearly, the combination of weak immigration laws, poorly thought out policies such as Sanctuary City decrees and lax law enforcement have had a significant negative impact on the lives of Natural Born American Citizens and lawful permanent residents alike. The status quo on immigration has directly caused housing and rental prices to sky rocket by distorting supply-demand dynamics, the quality of our public school system to deteriorate, our health care system to be overwhelmed, our social safety net to be torn, homelessness to become rampant, worker and people displacement to become common, and an urban plague of rampant organized crime, gangs, murders, rapes, robbery, drug trafficking, prostitution, violence and other criminality. Its time for the Federal Government to exert their lawful authority and assume control of San Jose.
Law and Order has broken down and the situation is spiraling out of control. Between January 11th, 2018 and January 25th, 2018, as in the last two weeks, there has been well over 4000 reported criminal incidents according to San Jose's Crime Reports. In the past week I've had a co-worker who heard a murder right outside his luxury apartment door see the victim approach death as the Emergency Responders desperately tried to revive him, had our pest control vendor tell us he was robbed at gun point for twenty dollars by two latino teens with thick accents in a stolen van with a ski mask, a hand gun and a taser as part of a larger crime spree that carried on through the evening, and personally helped disrupt a Chinese prostitution ring suspected to be run by a suspect whose formal business is in offering Immigration Services. Whether its the convicted child molester living across the street next to where they are building a new pre-school, the three assaults last Monday night on the corner of Meridian and Fruitdale, the closest corner to my house where I routinely cross to visit the convenience store, or the report of suspicious person with a weapon in the next apartment community over two evenings ago where I routinely walk my dog or the memory of the Assault Rifle fired at the arresting police and their gun fire that shattered the windows of the Subway where I ate lunch the previous day, our lives are in peril.
We cannot become complacent to this or accept this as a new normal. We must stand together and demand justice and safety. While the local news spends countless hours of air time celebrating the legalization of pot and Trump protest marches, the rest of us; the hard working, dedicated, tax paying Americans are suffering. Sure, I can run and leave, but the truth is you only get to be birthed in one city, and I was born here in San Jose. What has happened here over the past 35 years since then is a catastrophe. Just as the Federal Government asserted its authority in the civil war to end slavery and preserve the union, it's time for the Federal Government to step in on the side of Justice and the Law. What is the priority purpose of Democratic Governance other than to represent and advance the best economic and safety interests its tax paying citizens? If people understood what sanctuary city policies actually mean, and what the actual consequences of them are, I do not think anyone could support them, especially if you are a legal immigrant or citizen. In 2016 in Santa Clara County alone, for example, the Sheriff's office refused to comply with over 1000 distinct requests to detain suspected or convicted illegal immigrants with criminal records. I understand, not helping to arrest the common laborer who may have entered illegally but otherwise works hard and is law abiding, but this is not what sanctuary cities or sanctuary states are in practice or by policy. We are talking about a legion of foreign criminals that the Sheriff's office elected to leave free in our communities as opposed to handing them over to Homeland Security as our Democratically written Federal Laws stipulate.
While I understand the many benefits of permitting for legal immigration and certainly do not believe that immigrants are more likely to commit crimes or necessarily be any less loyal to America and her laws than the natural born citizens, deporting illegal aliens found guilty of crimes would also obviously help lower crime rates. Doing this in conjunction with the application of broken window theory law enforcement practices could once again restore California to its previous greatness. Deporting immigrants that have committed crimes and adopting policies that make it more difficult for known criminals and terrorists to enter our county through porous borders, open ports and undefended coast lines is the intelligent, sane, responsible and moral thing to do. What's happening in practice as a consequence of the actions of municipalities like San Jose and San Francisco and the efforts of Jerry Brown as Governor of California, is that narco-terrorists and human smugglers are provided protection to operate with impunity under the misleading guise of sanctuary practices. Woman, many under the age of 18, have been smuggled into this country illegally across our southern border and by other means, to then be coerced to work as sex slaves under the control of transnational gangs and organized crime networks. When cities and states enact sanctuary policies, they prevent federal agencies such as Immigration, Customs and Enforcement from being able to do their job: to rescue these victims and bring these abusive criminals to justice. The governors and mayors of these states could have created more careful policies that agree to actively cooperate in the detention of criminals with illegal immigration status or pushed for more visas they could reward to witnesses or victims of crime with illegal status, but this is not what they have chosen to do. They have decided to facilitate the continued chemical warfare being waged on our posterity while making it easier for the next terrorist attacker to slip in and wage the next attack on innocent human life. Drunk on Trump hate, the politics of personal animosity and divisive identity politic gaming, Democratic leadership in our state and city have ripped out the very foundation of our Republic and Society: the Constitution and its Law. Bold federal intervention is the only means of saving this Republic and restoring the civility of our society because what is happening here, makes Al Capone's Chicago look like Disney Land. #NoSanctuaryforCriminals.
While I understand the many benefits of permitting for legal immigration and certainly do not believe that immigrants are more likely to commit crimes or necessarily be any less loyal to America and her laws than the natural born citizens, deporting illegal aliens found guilty of crimes would also obviously help lower crime rates. Doing this in conjunction with the application of broken window theory law enforcement practices could once again restore California to its previous greatness. Deporting immigrants that have committed crimes and adopting policies that make it more difficult for known criminals and terrorists to enter our county through porous borders, open ports and undefended coast lines is the intelligent, sane, responsible and moral thing to do. What's happening in practice as a consequence of the actions of municipalities like San Jose and San Francisco and the efforts of Jerry Brown as Governor of California, is that narco-terrorists and human smugglers are provided protection to operate with impunity under the misleading guise of sanctuary practices. Woman, many under the age of 18, have been smuggled into this country illegally across our southern border and by other means, to then be coerced to work as sex slaves under the control of transnational gangs and organized crime networks. When cities and states enact sanctuary policies, they prevent federal agencies such as Immigration, Customs and Enforcement from being able to do their job: to rescue these victims and bring these abusive criminals to justice. The governors and mayors of these states could have created more careful policies that agree to actively cooperate in the detention of criminals with illegal immigration status or pushed for more visas they could reward to witnesses or victims of crime with illegal status, but this is not what they have chosen to do. They have decided to facilitate the continued chemical warfare being waged on our posterity while making it easier for the next terrorist attacker to slip in and wage the next attack on innocent human life. Drunk on Trump hate, the politics of personal animosity and divisive identity politic gaming, Democratic leadership in our state and city have ripped out the very foundation of our Republic and Society: the Constitution and its Law. Bold federal intervention is the only means of saving this Republic and restoring the civility of our society because what is happening here, makes Al Capone's Chicago look like Disney Land. #NoSanctuaryforCriminals.