Having been raised alongside an adopted African American brother I've always rejected acknowledging race as anything other than a social construct. The identity politics of the Democratic Party and Clinton campaign have put me in a situation where I feel its important to address the African American community as a community, as much as I would like for us all to simply be Americans. I open this dialogue in an effort to build trust and promise never to pander, instead being honest and forthright even when the truth is a tough pill to swallow. Hillary Clinton is not Barack Obama, she's not Bill Clinton. She lies, decieves and manipulates without any moral compass beyond the maintenance of her own power. She governs only for her own personal convenience without any thoughts of service. While Barack Obama rose from the corrupt political machine of South Side Chicago where Sicilians and the African American Jones Brothers battled it out for control of the policy wheels and the influence in district votes they would buy, Hillary Clinton rose from the Klu Klux Klan controlled Democratic party of Arkansas whose history was born from Andrew Jackson, the Confederates and Jim Crow. Her mentor was Senator Byrd, a known member of the KKK whom Hillary obsessed about and expressed admiration for, time and time again throughout her career. Her espousals of woman's rights as universal rights are little more than euphemism for Universal Abortion. In her world, only woman have rights and that one right is abortion. What is the effect of Hillary's universal abortion policy? Black Genocide. With black woman accounting for only 13% of the population they account for 36% of all abortions. 1,876 black babies are robbed of life by democratic policy each and every day in USA alone. 16 million black babies have been aborted since 1972. You've been manipulated and lied to by the Democratic party who has purchased your allegiance with food stamps, public housing and Obamacare. All of these programs, much like the Democratic Party's Jim Crow and apprenticeship laws were all means of inducing dependence and increasing control. The Republican party, the party of Abe Lincoln, is your emancipation. Join us in building a country where every woman feels safe and comfortable bringing life into the world. Let us secure borders and grow our economy for its citizens, our natural born and our descendents. Brothers and Sisters I say this to you truly, let us rise together and let us rise against the lies and manipulation of Hillary Clinton. Please share this post if you think Black Lives Matter. Share this if you think facts matter.
Also so the Black Press USA explains...
What planet African Americans are doing “better off” on is unknown. What is known is that President Obama is about to leave office with African Americans in their worst economic situation since Ronald Reagan. A look at every key stat as President Obama starts his sixth year in office illustrates that.
Unemployment. The average Black unemployment under President Bush was 10 percent. The average under President Obama after six years is 14 percent. Black unemployment, “has always been double” [that of Whites] but it hasn’t always been 14 percent. The administration was silent when Black unemployment hit 16 percent – a 27-year high – in late 2011.
Poverty. The percentage of Blacks in poverty in 2009 was 25 percent; it is now 27 percent. The issue of poverty is rarely mentioned by the president or any members of his cabinet. Currently, more than 45 million people – 1 in 7 Americans – live below the poverty line.
The Black/White Wealth Gap. The wealth gap between Blacks and Whites in America is at a 24-year high. A December study by PEW Research Center revealed the average White household is worth $141,900, and the average Black household is worth $11,000. From 2010 to 2013, the median income for Black households plunged 9 percent.
Income inequality. “Between 2009 and 2012 the top one percent of Americans enjoyed 95 percent of all income gains, according to research from U.C. Berkeley,” reported The Atlantic. It was the worst since 1928. As income inequality has widened during President Obama’s time in office, the president has endorsed tax policy that has widened inequality, such as the Bush Tax cuts.
Education: The high school dropout rate has improved during the Obama administration. However, currently 42 percent of Black children attend high poverty schools, compared to only 6 percent of White students. The Department of Education’s change to Parent PLUS loans requirements cost HBCU’s more than $150 million and interrupted the educations of 28,000-plus HBCU students.
SBA Loans. In March 2014, the Wall Street Journal reported that only 1.7 percent of $23 billion in SBA loans went to Black-owned businesses in 2013, the lowest loan of SBA lending to Black businesses on record. During the Bush presidency, the percentage of SBA loans to Black businesses was 8 percent – more than four times the Obama rate."
I disagree with the Black Press on how to fix the economy, I'm not strongly against efforts at expanding access to healthcare, but think that State, County and Parish level solutions are far more efficient and cost effective than Federal level proposals One of the biggest drivers of the unemployment in African American communities is immigration. I'm not talking about the illegal immigrants cleaning toilets and houses, I'm actually thinking more about the coders and computer scientists were bringing in from India and China that we then give six figure salaries. I've seen how good my brother was at coding and building websites and see no reason why African Americans cannot be trained to do these jobs other the racial biases of mid level project managers within the tech world, who primarily came from South India and seem to prefer to higher their own ethnic group. This is an egregious abuse of the laws governing STEM Visas since they are not even making an effort to try and hire American workers first. I'd like to see an Administration pressure these companies to invest in scholarships, recruitment and University training programs for our natural born citizens.
Public hand-outs are the truest poverty trap. You can view the data about what happened to immigrant communities when legislation was passed baring them from accessing government funded social services. Poverty rates dropped, dramatically because the added pressure to find a job caused them to find and keep a job which allowed them to make more money than they ever could on government assistance. Reforming welfare, so that it includes education and job training with care to be sure getting a job or suddenly making more money is not punished by an immediate loss of benefits is key to improving the standard of living for the median African American family.
Also so the Black Press USA explains...
What planet African Americans are doing “better off” on is unknown. What is known is that President Obama is about to leave office with African Americans in their worst economic situation since Ronald Reagan. A look at every key stat as President Obama starts his sixth year in office illustrates that.
Unemployment. The average Black unemployment under President Bush was 10 percent. The average under President Obama after six years is 14 percent. Black unemployment, “has always been double” [that of Whites] but it hasn’t always been 14 percent. The administration was silent when Black unemployment hit 16 percent – a 27-year high – in late 2011.
Poverty. The percentage of Blacks in poverty in 2009 was 25 percent; it is now 27 percent. The issue of poverty is rarely mentioned by the president or any members of his cabinet. Currently, more than 45 million people – 1 in 7 Americans – live below the poverty line.
The Black/White Wealth Gap. The wealth gap between Blacks and Whites in America is at a 24-year high. A December study by PEW Research Center revealed the average White household is worth $141,900, and the average Black household is worth $11,000. From 2010 to 2013, the median income for Black households plunged 9 percent.
Income inequality. “Between 2009 and 2012 the top one percent of Americans enjoyed 95 percent of all income gains, according to research from U.C. Berkeley,” reported The Atlantic. It was the worst since 1928. As income inequality has widened during President Obama’s time in office, the president has endorsed tax policy that has widened inequality, such as the Bush Tax cuts.
Education: The high school dropout rate has improved during the Obama administration. However, currently 42 percent of Black children attend high poverty schools, compared to only 6 percent of White students. The Department of Education’s change to Parent PLUS loans requirements cost HBCU’s more than $150 million and interrupted the educations of 28,000-plus HBCU students.
SBA Loans. In March 2014, the Wall Street Journal reported that only 1.7 percent of $23 billion in SBA loans went to Black-owned businesses in 2013, the lowest loan of SBA lending to Black businesses on record. During the Bush presidency, the percentage of SBA loans to Black businesses was 8 percent – more than four times the Obama rate."
I disagree with the Black Press on how to fix the economy, I'm not strongly against efforts at expanding access to healthcare, but think that State, County and Parish level solutions are far more efficient and cost effective than Federal level proposals One of the biggest drivers of the unemployment in African American communities is immigration. I'm not talking about the illegal immigrants cleaning toilets and houses, I'm actually thinking more about the coders and computer scientists were bringing in from India and China that we then give six figure salaries. I've seen how good my brother was at coding and building websites and see no reason why African Americans cannot be trained to do these jobs other the racial biases of mid level project managers within the tech world, who primarily came from South India and seem to prefer to higher their own ethnic group. This is an egregious abuse of the laws governing STEM Visas since they are not even making an effort to try and hire American workers first. I'd like to see an Administration pressure these companies to invest in scholarships, recruitment and University training programs for our natural born citizens.
Public hand-outs are the truest poverty trap. You can view the data about what happened to immigrant communities when legislation was passed baring them from accessing government funded social services. Poverty rates dropped, dramatically because the added pressure to find a job caused them to find and keep a job which allowed them to make more money than they ever could on government assistance. Reforming welfare, so that it includes education and job training with care to be sure getting a job or suddenly making more money is not punished by an immediate loss of benefits is key to improving the standard of living for the median African American family.