Monday, March 25, 2013

King Theo: The Last Capitalist (be producer on the official Launch) #theXFactorLovesYou #SinOfender #ThisIsTheVoice

Dear Citizens, American or Global-

Anybody who has read my blog, has listened to my music or knows me personally will testify to my tireless and uncompromising commitment to veracity.  I believe that no hard work goes unrewarded and that over the past decade I have put in an incredible amount of unrecognized work in preparation for this moment.  King Theo: The Last Capitalist is ready to launch and I want to give you the opportunity to be a video producer!  Please use the attached link to learn more about the project.

All great art is a reflection of the society in which the artist lives, crafted in a way that exalt its virtues, challenges its assumptions and exposes its flaws.  Through my character, King Theo, I bring Capitalism to its logical corollary with the lyrical traditions of hip-hop and musical traditions of a wide range of musical genres.  The bigger than life character aspires for the heroic and while reaching such metaphysical heights, also carries satirical undertones and jovial hyperbole to complement word play, rhyme, simile, metaphor, double entendres and allegory to invigorate, excite and motivate the listener as tragedy is overcomed and converted to triumph.  With your help and funding, the video will be launched on May 1st and the album available this Summer.  I appreciate your support and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Every decade has its artist.  I want to be this decades artist, a voice for this and the next generation, as the Beatles were for the 60s, the Doors for the 70s, as Michael Jackson for the 80s, Nirvana for the 90s and Eminem for 2000s, King Theo will be for 2010s.  I wrote every lyric on this album, I wrote a considerable amount of the music, from hi-hat to piano chords and believe that there is nothing better out there right now.     I have considerable thanks to the musical talent of by brother Jeff Johnson and friend, Matt Vigur.

#theXFactorLovesYou #SinOfender #ThisIsTheVoice

Billboard Top Ten

Best of Times
Harlem Shake
Thrift Shop
When I was Your Man
Suit & Tie
Started From the Bottom
I Knew You Were Trouble
Scream & Shout
Love Me

Sunday, March 17, 2013

On Terror: Avoiding World War III, Saudi Princes and Iranian Nukes, The Fall of Assad and how it relates with Tutoring exchange students on the French Revolution.

"Kings will be tyrants from policy when subjects are rebels from principle."

On Terror: Avoiding World War III, Saudi Princes and Iranian Nukes, The Fall of Assad and how it relates with Tutoring exchange students on the French Revolution. 

     It was a sunny day in late October.  The desk job and tired pitch on Internet marketing wasn't making me any money, just costing me time.  How can I spend my evening hours scouring through Joint Chiefs reports, intel reports and scholarly books on warfare and the fight against terrorism just to read a simple sales script to individuals I would never meet about a product I doubted would ever work.  A classmate from my homeland security program informed me that the Halo Corp was holding their annual counter-terrorism summit and they were looking for volunteers from our class to work the security.  It was the perfect excuse to escape the cubicle and I was quick to volunteer.  The summit was on Paradise Island in beautiful San Diego, and the deal was that if we put in our hours on guard we would get meal tickets and a hotel room.   The accommodation was swell and it was a great opportunity to get to know my classmates while receiving some tactical training and playing with the latest high-tech counter-terrorism toys.  Tapestry Solutions, integrated control boards were my personal favorite.   I could use them on every potential battlefield around the globe and every major sports arena, spend $50,000 a board, $10,000 a scenario and have full confidence it was a worth while usage of discretionary spending, even with sequestration in effect.  I spoke with a former prosecutor for the Navy who had specialized in espionage cases and was surprised by a unit of zombie hunters preparing for the zombie apocalypse.  Someone needs to adjust the medication levels for those guys, 30 thousand dollars for an exhibit table at the summit, literally legions of followers on facebook, a business training soldiers to fight zombies and a tv show in the works.  The summit was a mix of really good ideas ready for market, really dumb ideas that have since run their course, and decent ideas still being developed.

     I was particularly interested in former CIA director General H and excited to be off security detail when he gave his speech.  Considering that he was the master of all our nations secrets he appeared rather unassuming, unpretentious, but surprisingly intimidating.  With Xe and the rest of the old mercenary boys lurking everywhere, I sensed a "should we whack him?" question circulating in the wind. Looking back, his stature suggested a Napoleon complex of sorts.  I'll be honest, I liked him and held an immense amount of respect for him.  I could only imagine the missions he's directed, the lives he's saved and tough decisions he's had to make for the greater good of our country.   A real life hero, I felt, and not in the simple soldier giving his life type, but a real chessboard mastermind.   After his speech I approached him, half expecting to get gunned down by some unseen security sniper in the trees, but as it was a meet and greet and open for questions I approached with caution.  I wanted to ask him about one very specific subject, "Syria."

   Beginning college several weeks after the 9/11 attacks, the war on terror and the Middle East had been a focus of my studies I delved deeper into a myriad of related issues from asssymetrical warfare, the history of conflict between the Middle East and the West, the threat assessment of WMDs, rogue leaders and terror groups to extensive studies on Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, al-Haqqani network, Hezbollah and Hamas, game-theory, realist theory, complexity theory, Jervis Theory, Mutually Assured Destruction, the clash of civilization and extensive reviews of COIN, our nation building efforts and anything pertinent to the IR intelligence world.   I even went to Cambridge England and studied the history of MI6, CIA and the KGB.  I realize I've been gradually training to be a master spy, just without the traditional military path, making me all the more an outsider and throwback in my mI6 style methodologies of intel gathering and asset development.  A real life, American James Bond, comfortable in my Machiavellian virtue and service to the greater good.  Fresh off the successes in Libya of gaining a UN authorization for a no-fly zone and sending an Ethnic Libyan co-worker off to his home country to successfully go raise a militia out of his Bengazi based tribe and go kill the longest lasting dictator on Earth, Gaddafi, I was confident in my ability to see what must be done and get it done.   Syria had given me some issues, I knew when Obama said Assad has got to go, he's got to go, or else the Presidents threats and words cease to have power.

   After abstaining from votes on the no-fly zone on Libya, there was no way China and particularly Russia were ever going to approve one, even as Assad flew jets to bomb his own citizens.  Putin, head of Russia, was the former KGB, and when the USSR finally fell and the market place opened it was a cooperation of the old KGB and crime families that moved in together to fill the power vacuum.  Putin is irrefutably a master mind, a competitor worthy of sitting at the other end of the global chess board and a look at his college thesis shows his in depth understanding of geopolitical realism and desire to provide investment in state run companies to build them up has competitors to American based intentional corporations, extract resources from around the world and refine them.  Russia has rugged weapons and both Putin and his inner circle prosper when he has countries buying them in defense of regional threats or American invasion. The Ivory Coast, Libya and Syria, were all his clients and with the UN actions removing the electoral looser in the Ivory Coast from power and the Arab Spring sweeping across North Africa I had consequently placed Putin in check.  So he chose to protect Assad, make it an opportunity to sell arms and make some money.  This was no surprise, but risky none the less.

   What could I do, declaring war would have exhausted political capital and any hope of an Obama re-election.  The best we could really get was the Arab league to supply arms, limited clandestine training on the Turkish side of the Border by English commandos and non military support from the US in the form of radios, medical and food relief along with limited logistical support.  The Saudis were sending the Salafi trouble makers they'd rather have else where to do the fighting while their wealthy financiers parade as Sunni heros.  The survivalism has taught the Saudi princes to publicly present themselves of champions of Islam publicly, while remaining generous, albeit calculating business men in private.  Few people realize the Saudis footed the bill for the entire first Iraq war and when trouble brewed in Libya, they increased oil supply to prevent market tensions from Libyan supply disruptions.  Well we have to work with what we have, Salafi or not, they have the balls to fight and sadly for America national interest the balls to fight is all we really need to keep Syria weakened by turmoil as we decide what to do with Iran. Its a precarious and foolhardy leap of trust with the hind sight of seeing what amounted from the old Mujahideen in Afghanistan, but its the only move on the chess board.  The thing is, if we don't get in there on the ground, when the fighting is over, they are going to have the final say in what is made of Free Syria.  This is why America must involve itself, if we help them win, we can have a stronger hand to install a Government we can tolerate.

     While I supported the Iraq war at its onslaught, I grew weary and distraught as the fighting dragged on and the situation worsened.  To my surprise, the surge succeeded in stabilizing the county and as the populous tired with Al-Qaeda's violent ways America was able to leave a semi-functional country with democratically elected leaders and only limited sectarian violence.  That prick of leader who gassed the Kurds and invaded Kuwait was dead and while the Shias seem more loyal to Iran than America, the attack prompted Gaddafi to give up his nuclear weapons and for Iran to put off uranium enrichment for years.  Costly, without question, but the long term benefits and prevention of allowing that devil son of Saddam, Uday Hussein from coming to power, is a win that cannot be financially quantified, nor can the freedom of the Iraqi people to choose their future.  Same can be said about Gaddafi's son Hannibal, I mean Libya was an Italian colony in the past century, and when you look to old conflicts between Carthage and Rome it was another Hannibal, another son of dictator, who lead an army of mounted Elephants up through Spain, over the Alps and into Italy to wreak havoc on the Italian country side.  We can't be having that again, better to knip the rose in the bud.  So with General H's mind to pick, I was quick to make use as these thoughts circulated through my mind.

    With a delicate tremor in my voice and an out reached hand, "Hi General H, I'm with San Diego States Homeland Security Program and would like to ask you a question."
He shook my hand lightly, not the handshake I'd expect from a general and despite my extensive height advantage and young age their was something about what rested behind those cool blackened sunshades that told me he could kill me in an instant if he so chose.

    It came out less as a question than as an out of place remark, "Syria," if you think of the way Ralph froze up in a Christmas story as he tried to remember what he was asking Santa Clause for, "Syria, I wanted to ask you what you thought we should do about Syria.  Specifically I positioned a proposition to divide Syria up into two countries, an Alawite's nation, as during the French colonial period with Assad's leadership and the rest of the Syria as its own independent nation with its own elected leadership.  "I'm weary of breaking apart any countries in the Middle East."

Should we delegate a leading role Turkey, give them some missiles and planes to keep Assad's Air Force grounded?"

"Looking at the history of Turkey I'd be uneasy about that," H responding obviously knowing much that I had never even pondered.  So much for that plan, I had hosted a former Turkish officer and had sufficient buy in to deal with the issue.

"What do you think we should do?" I asked with full interest.

With unflinching confidence he replied, "I think we need to start figuring out which of the rebels we can trust and start helping to arm them."

  I've been forced to scrap out a living as a commissions only sales man for the passed three years while I work on masters of science in homeland security degree.  I couldn't take it anymore, so I quit my day job.  I had been carpet bagging full time for a few months now, selling carpet and flooring to the employs of all the defense industry company's employs, but quit, but not without gathering an array of contacts and the latest news.  I was forward with all of them, say my company, but say what I was studying and stressing the importance of improving communication between the various federal agencies and our private sector suppliers.  Money has never been my motivation, as many times as I've lied in interviews with employers knowing the framework of their interview criteria for sales positions.  My motivation is Patriotism and the common good.  This shall never change.  Now, I write this blog, I've been working on a screen play, working on music, solicit the occasional sponsor and  have some solid business plans if I could ever get some real capital, but have been content to expand my studies into Organized Crime to round out my HSEC expertise since its supposed to be an umbrella for the CIA and the FBI, yet with only part-time status and no financial aid, my preferred revenue of late has been tutoring.

   I find teaching particularly rewarding, especially college level course work.  I've tutored history and political science classes mainly, but found a particularly interesting pupil this past week.  I'll avoid using her name, but a soft spoken thick accent responded to an add on craigslist asking for some help with her European History Class.  A student at USD we scheduled a time to meet and help her prepare for her mid-term.  Driving on campus I am always amazed with the new styles and trends, the short skirts, exposed g-strings and uggs boots so popular in my undergrad years were replaced by audacious tights thinly concealing virgina creases and rounded posteriors of well defined buttoxes as I attempt to fix my eyes on the ground several feet ahead of me and avoid gaulking at the scenery and native wild life.   I call back the mysterious voice I had heard on my phone, "hi, its Theo, I think I'm here, where are you?"

   She exclaims, "I'm here," I see a hand raise and a smiley face beneath a black hijab.  I couldn't help but notice the unique balance of religious tradition and modernity.  A carefully folded hijab, attached to a smart phone, mixed with a stylish t-shirt and fashionable tights competing with the allure of her competition.

   We shook hands and quickly went to a study room to begin discussing her work.  Before I drove out, she had only told me it was about European history.  A subject I knew well, but with endless caveats and nuances to focus in on, it could have been any of the long list of historical narratives engraved in westerners identities, yet completely foreign, new and unknown to our Saudi guest.  Racial equality and stereotyping are my biggest pet peeves.  As hawkish as I am militarily, I'm a true liberal when its comes to social issues, racial smears and petty ignorance has always boiled the blood beneath my skin.  My father had done this crazy thing as professor out in Connecticut and adopted an African American.  The second youngest in our family, he was always my closest sibling.  I had seen the discrimination time and time again, individuals would have never guessed we were brothers, and being that he was lighter skinned, believed to be of Caribbean African American descent, he had been mistaken as Arab before.  Yet, the close study of Al-Qaeda and the organization build by Osama Bin Laden made me always think twice when a Saudi appears before me, especially when they appear shortly after reading a texts on the anatomy of terrorist organizations and the means with which they develop and recruit sleeper cells.  I'd run into some other young Saudi's before, and in my line of questioning I quickly learned they were from Jebbah, the home town of our beloved Bin Laden family.

        Its a delicate game, the Saudis are important partners for America, and many are talented and its understandable that they want to study in the United States.  The Saudi King gives generously to the UC programs and its not a diplomatic relationship one wants to upset.  America needs allies in the Middle East, and aside from Israel and Jordan, Qatar, Brahain, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Oman, its the closest thing we have and shouldn't make the mistake to immediately labeling one a troublemaker because of his city of origin.  One had been held coming across the border from TJ, he had flunked a class and his visa was revoked, he was released.  I met him shortly after this, with his friend Mana who originally informed me of his detainment from a Japanese tenant who studied with him at an English school.  Hatim was clearly a trouble maker and a punk, maybe a terrorist, maybe a normal young man looking to get drunk, high and leid, but how can you really tell, Mana was kind enough and more serious about his studies, had family working in the embassies here and for the most part checked out.  I stayed in contact with my professor on the issue, had my Japanese tenant keep an eye out and was sure that Hatim left the country as ge was supposed to while Manna went to study CSU Northridge with reasonable "Surveillance." Really? Is anybody following up on this, am I supposed too?  Am I supposed to self-fund, can we at least make contact with his professor up there to be sure he's going to class and their's no suspicious purchases surrounding his credit card?  I'll update you later, but it may make you consider your budgetary priorities and wonder whether you have me applying for jobs on craigslist or sworn in and on the job.  So enough fun with the Jebbah boys, lets meet our Jebbah girl. 19 and full of smiles, conversational with her English, she was the daughter of a film maker who died of cancer when she was 10, she had studied hard and earned a scholarship from the Saudi Government to come study in the United States.  If there's one thing I respect about the Saudi government, its that outside of the nepotism of the ruling family, the civil positions are filled by a strict academic meritocracy.   So in front of me we have their merit, a women no less, confronting all of my preconceived notions of Saudi chauvinism.  She had hired me to tutor her in European History. So without hesitation, I dived on in.

        Her professors study guide and class outlines, along with reading took us through the French Revolution to the Industrial Revolution on up to the conditions leading into World War I.  Well it was certainly subject matter I was qualified to teach, but had been years since I covered the material and had looked at the primary sources selected by the teacher.  We started with Sieyes, French Cleric who posed populist questions in his pamphlet, "What is the 3rd State?"  His argument was that in pre-revolutionary french, the church and the nobles, the first and second state had all the political power while the third state, everybody else, had essentially none despite the reality that its actions in fact, made the country work and everything else possible.  He divided the third state into four parts, "the first group getting the raw materials or farming the land, the second group working in factories to convert them to products, the third group involved with distributing and selling them, and the fourth state composed of the service industry, the lawyers, doctors and journalists.

Her eyes were open.  "So who are the enlightenment writers?" she asked.

   We we discussed Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire and Montesique their ideas and how they lead to the French revolution.  If only our founding fathers had kept with Locke's Life, Liberty, Health and Property as opposed to make the edit to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  We discussed the idea of human reason and how by looking back to the Greeks and Romans to rediscover the scientific method and applying it to society the social order began to be challenged.  We discussed the motives of our actors, and why a cleric of the the first state, may benefit from publishing a pamphlet as controversial as, "What is the third state?"  Her mind was circling, she was fascinated and full of questions.  In the back of mind, I'm praying I don't indirectly cause her to go back to Saudi Arabia and trigger a revolution, but in the short-term, she needs to learn this material and get an A.   Then came Human Rights, then revolution, then women's rights, then industrial reform, then capitalism and then marxism.  What have I done, what are going to be the consequences of exposing her to such liberal ideas when she goes back to her home country.  I care for her, somewhat protective but so excited by her enthusiasm for the material and steady flood of questions I continue with the process of enlightenment.

   Women are so quick to criticize Arabs as backwards for covering their hair, yet in the midst of the flesh around, it allowed for level of focus on the material that may not have been so easily possible had she been in a short skirt and halter top.  So we studied, I taught, and she learned for hours, and as we passed through the Estate-Generale and the formation of the National Assembly we reached Robespierre, the levee on masse, the formation of the public safety committee, the building of the guillotine and the reign of terror.  The irony was lost on her, but pre-occupied my mind as trudged forward with the material.   I realized, that our Predator Drones are our guillotines, and a passing truth blurring the definition of terrorist and the line separating us, a thought that maybe we are under the oppression of the pigs at Orwell's "Animal Farm" or maybe that we are terrorists whose victories allow us to define ourselves as otherwise.  I realize I must avoid allowing my Homeland Security department from becoming a modern version of the Committee on Public Safety.  His proponents referred to him as "The Incorruptible," Robespiere's address to the National Assembly echoes today,

"We must smother the internal and external enemies of the Republic or perish with it; now in this situation, the first maxim of your policy ought to be to lead the people by reason and the people's enemies by terror.
If the spring of popular government in time of peace is virtue, the springs of popular government in revolution are at once virtue and terror: virtue, without which terror is fatal; terror, without which virtue is powerless. Terror is nothing other than justice, prompt, severe, inflexible; it is therefore an emanation of virtue; it is not so much a special principle as it is a consequence of the general principle of democracy applied to our country's most urgent needs.
It has been said that terror is the principle of despotic government. Does your government therefore resemble despotism? Yes, as the sword that gleams in the hands of the heroes of liberty resembles that with which the henchmen of tyranny are armed. Let the despot govern by terror his brutalized subjects; he is right, as a despot. Subdue by terror the enemies of liberty, and you will be right, as founders of the Republic. The government of the revolution is liberty's despotism against tyranny."
    So, when is the application of force just, when is it justified to suppress the chaos and turmoil of lawless revolution and bloodshed regularly sending the populace in a circle as the word revolution suggests; a refined and caring King Louis XVIth and an aristocracy that voted liberally and overwhelmingly in numbers to transform positions in the military and government to an academic meritocracy, replaced by fifteen years of terror and be-headings until Napoleon Bonaparte finally rises to power to become an emperor, waging wars from Russia and back across the channel to England to finally lose at waterloo with wet cannons impeding his triumph.  So what can we make of such, when is the violence truly justified and not just an indulgence of man kinds darker sadism, justified by words cloaked with connotation but lacking in any tangible meaning?

    I can tell you this, Al-Qadea is a death-cult, and the populaces of the Middle East and Northern Africa are tired of its ways, and as Kurtz journeys to "the Heart of Darkness" in Conrad's classic, civilization finds its nemesis in the perverse religiosity manifested by Al-Qaeda.  Its a stubborn enemy we must kill, but must also understand, identify and learn to discern as a tumor from an otherwise healthy body that is the modernized and democratizing Islamic world.  To survive such treatment, we must be sure that our patient is kept strong, propped up so that its natural antibodies can combat the tumor of Al-Qaeda alongside of us.  Part of this is building up their state, pushing for reforms and addressing the legitimate grievances of the Middle East. Islamophobia has no place in modern International relations or foreign policy strategy, the Michelle Bauchmans and Mitt Romneys of the Republicans lost the election because of such ignorant gaffs and lack the support of the new generation of soldiers that has spent ten years working along side Muslims, understanding the nuances of ideology and managing to build nations from the rubble left by bombs.

    I once asked a former marine who had served in Afghanistan what we should do about the area, he joked, "I don't know, shoot everything that moves."  Even Osama called it the graveyard of empires, that why tried to draw us into the region to fight.  We are such fools, we must learn from history, time to learn if Americans are truly exceptional or simply folly to the classic hubris of nearly every great Greek tragedy and hero's demise.  Yet they are all dead and gone, and I am still here.  We as Americans, stand strong as ever and stronger than any other that has come before.


   With all the leftist criticisms of the Saudi family, the excesses of the princes and role of its money throughout the Middle East, one must balance such with the reality we need Saudi Arabia, we need its flow of oil, we need its support in crushing Al-Qaeda and we cannot afford another country spiraling into lawless chaos.  So we play this game, I press for women's rights and municipal level democracy, we accept their youths into our universities, we buy their oil, they buy our government bonds and invest in our companies.  They build madrassas, we build schools and while the graduates of their madrassas often fight the graduates of our schools in the rugged tribal lands of eastern Afghanistan, they invest in our arms suppliers; The Saudi king uses the oil revenues to hire Muhammed Bin Laden to build the shrines of Mecca and on 9/10 one of Muhammed Bin Laden sons meets with George Bush Sr. at a Carlyle group investors meeting as another one of his many sons gives the order to hi-jack four planes and crash them into the Twin Towers and Pentagon.

   And with smiles and joy, my student loves her king for paying for her education and the opportunity to come out to America and study at a Catholic University in beautiful San Diego.  So innocent, so hopeful and so optimistic.   I asked a former CIA agent specializing in South America in your opinion, "what should we do with Venezuela?" to which he replied, "make nice so we can tell the Saudi's to go pound sand."

   We move on to the Industrial Revolution.  We read the transcripts from parliament inquiries into working conditions at the new factories innovating mass production and prompting rapid urbanization.  We read out loud, I read the questions of the the MP, she reads the responses of a 23 year old factory worker that has been working since the age of six in a textile factory, lifting heavy treys that have prompted her back to be arched over like a 96 year old lady.

We walk to the ATM so that she can pay me for my lesson, the whole way she eagerly discusses Shias, nearly skipping as she teases their faith as a made up faith that never existed.  She tells me the Shia faith tells its adherents, the way to get good luck and paradise, "is to inflict as much pain as possible on the Sunnis."  I refer back to the American ideal, the first amendment and freedom of religion and question, "is the Saudi government doing anything to ease religious tension between the Saudis and Shias?"

  She tells me, yes, "I have Shia friends, it doesn't matter to me," "the Shia used to kill us and spit in our food, so my Shia friend jokes the least they can do is walk on my shadow."  I realize she's walking on mine.

   The second time we meet she invites a colleague from India, and as American as a slum dog millionaire could be, he tells me his wishes to become a hollywood star.  What was interesting to me, was the coi flirtation between the two, with Sid telling her, "you're out of my league."  As he leaves to meet his brother at his apartment, I move away from the material and ask some questions about Jebbah.

I wasn't about to just lead with a question like, "Do you know the Bin Laden's?" so I brought up a slightly less controversial subject and from an intelligence stand point, much more productive.
"So, I always find these Saudi Princes to be interesting characters, have you ever met any."
She replies, "Ah yes, Abdul Aziz bin Fahd is my friend."

"Well I don't know him that well, but we've met and he sends me messages."

I'm slightly unsure what she means by this, does she subscribe to his twitter account or does he talk to her directly?

I ask her, "How did you meet?"

She asks, "Why are you asking me this."

I play it dumb, "No reason, I'm just interested."

      Sid walks back in the study lounge and breaks the awkwardness, we get back into the Industrial Revolution.  The session ends, and I take a bus with my pupil back to my car.  Just before I exit, she asks, "What did he mean by out of my league?"  I tried to explain to her it was a compliment, and felt bad for the difficulties she must face integrating into our wild society, yet impressed by her ability to do so while remaining true to her faith.

     Before I even start my car I immediately follow up on my lead.  Abdul Aziz bin Fahd, the grandson of King Fahd, the youngest and favorite child of the Saudi King.  The media mogul who owns half Saudi's main media network, the opening speaker for the annual yacht show, owner of a palace in Jebbah and close confident of the deposed prime minister of Lebanon.  So I can gather from the internet.  We'll be digging deeper, trust not, but for now lets consider the challenge of opening up a line of communication.  This is the person we need to be working with, he is very active in Syria and is exactly the person we need to coordinate with so we can figure out whose who's who on the ground and get some type of legitimate chain of command in preparation for the aftermath.  His close relationship with deposed prime minister of Lebanon, Rafik Hairiri, and his active efforts to help the Rebels overthrow Assad make him an intelligence goldmine.  Wealthy, resourced, active and western friendly, and I'm one 19 year old Saudi girl from opening up a line of communication.   The next step is the tricky one, its delicate and I have to consult with some more experienced on how to proceed, but as Hezbollah units move into the south of Syria to assist Assad, the threat assessment evolves from WMDs being shipped to Hezbollah in lebanon in the event of Assad's collapse to Hezbollah grabbing them himself.  While Saddam's WMDs programs may not have been as developed as Intel anticipated, allowing for the chemical weapons of Assad's Regime to slip into the hands of Hezbollah or remain loose in the aftermath of the regimes collapse would be highly irresponsible and while a full on American invasion is not something the American Public is going to support, we have to do something to earn a say in what comes of Syria after Assad goes and be sure that those WMDs are either secured or destroyed.

   The interlink with Iran and its nuclear ambitions is obvious, with Russia cautious to allow for further American encroachment on his borders, Iran and Syria become proxies in the same old Cold War chess games we hoped would end with the fall of the Berlin Wall.  A weakened Syria, is a weakened Iran, and optimal for America, Israel and Saudi Arabia as they buy time in negotiations with Ahmadinejad.  While its a head ache for Turkey and a nuisance for Jordan, their both content not to see the Arab spring domino into collapses of their regimes.   The Americans and Israelis feel the same.  Iran tries to cause troubles in Bahrain because of our Naval presence, and if he can change the regime to Shiite regime he can kick out our fleet leaving Saudi Arabia vulnerable.  We cannot afford to let that happen, sorry idealist, but its just not an option.

    So here we are, with North Korea threatening thermal nuclear war, Iran enriching Uranium towards weapons grade and young democracies across North Africa likely facing the same domestic pressures to externalize problems and engage in warfare faced by Robespierre when Austrians and Prussians challenged his territorial sovereignty. Israel can only hope the old friendly admirals and air force of Murback's Egypt are still in control of their air force and unwilling to follow an order to strike, Libya leadership is friendly, but only barely in control, and the French have entered Mali to push Al-Qaeda out of the cities and into the deserts as Iran threatens to close the Straitz of Homz, potentially blocking off oil shipments and causing global oil prices to skyrocket should Israel or America so choose to pre-emptively strike Iranian nuclear reactors.  Nobody knows what Pakistan will do, our naval fleet and our bases in Afghanistan are sitting ducks if they decide to use their nuclear weapons and along with that comes India and one must question whether Russia would keep to the sidelines.  We saw in World War I how one assassination by an Anarchist prompted a complex chain of military alliances to bring us into an ugly world war.  Economic woes often end with wars, so stagnant growth, uneasy recovery make conditions ripe for World War III.  Debt weary and aging population demographics may drive a different result, besides its not too late to alter this apocalyptic ending.  Romney losing the election sure helped.  With sufficient pressure, Iran will back down from its nuclear ambitions and with enough outside help Assad can be removed from power and a more western friendly regime can be formed.  But something has to give, America must be tough on Israel and its continued building of settlements in Palestinian territories, and the Administration must find the political courage and wherewithal to get the Israelis to stop this practice in preparation of an eventual two state solution.  Meanwhile America needs to work to stabilize the Middle East, bringing investment and technocrats to these young middle eastern regimes birthed from the Arab spring, while paying particular care to our old friends in the region.

   The real breakthrough, the crowning achievement that the Obama Administration can achieve in the midst of all this mess, is not a resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, as praiseworthy of a feat as that may be, but a simple non-nuclear proliferation pact between Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey.  Its this pending arm race that must be halted, and its a place where John Kerry's state Department can realistically succeed.  I cordially recommend the Obama Administration and Kerry's State Department hires me to help be sure they have the expertise and abilities needed to maneuver through this dangerous world of friends and foes.

   I had a dream last night.  I had a dream there was a lion.  A beautiful and strong lion with a thick mane.  I approached staring the lion directly in the eyes.  I reached behind the lions beautiful mane and scratched behind its ears.  It turned its head into mine and rolled over to the ground on its back allowing for me to rub its soft underbelly.  Those things we fear most can be turned to our most valuable assets if we approach them the right way.

Edmond Burke's Reflection on the french revolution sum it up best, "To make a government requires no great prudence. Settle the seat of power; teach obedience and the work is done. To give freedom is still more easy. It is not necessary to guide; it only requires to let go the rein. But to form a free government; that is, to temper together these opposite elements of liberty and restraint in one consistent work, requires much thought, deep reflection, a sagacious, powerful, and combining mind."


Now enough with these silly chess games, lets get to work governing this world, get serious about the world's security threats and managing the economy in a way that brings about peace, prosperity and progress to the people.  

Thursday, March 7, 2013

John Brennan and Drone Stikes; Rand Paul and his Filibuster Rant; North Korea, Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions; Dennis Rodman and the Harlem Globetrotters Harlem Shake Across the 38th Parallel;Fox News Obituary for Hugo Chavez; A Fair Assessment of Hugo Chavez's Legacy

John Brennan and Drone Stikes

   America faces a myriad of threats abroad and John Brennan is the right person to help lead our Central Intelligence Agency in the face of them.  Drone Strikes and surveillance are vital to our success in active arena's of warfare including Mali and Afpak.   Every drone flight keeps an air force pilot out of harms way, avoids the risk of needing an extraction team to rescue him if shot down and they have proven themselves as an effective tool in the war against terror, specifically, Al-Qaeda.  These tools of war are not a panacea to our security issues, we still need covert-ops, special forces, clandestine CIA agents and the like to pursue our national interests in a world where our competitors aggressively are pursuing their own interests, however the public should feel confident in the rules of law regulating their usage.  Drones cannot be used against American Citizens domestically and are only used against approved high-value targets with a verifiable record of terrorism.

Rand Paul and Filibuster Rant

    The filibuster rant of Rand Paul was nearly as obnoxious as Alex Jones daily paranoid delusions.   What if instead of congress, we had a house of progress formed by the leading professors with the same number of congress members, only we'll call them progress members and they'll chosen according to merit.  Under the authorities of the Department of Education, the president may have the executive authority to do such, and our house of progress may just be the answer we've been looking for.   Of course, it couldn't write the laws, but it could tell us according to scientific models what is actually happening and advise as to what we should do about it.  

North Korea, Nuclear Weapons and Sanctions

   The most recent offensive statements by North Korea's leadership threatening preemptive nuclear strikes on South Korean and American targets highlight the threat nexus posed by wmds, terror groups and rogue leaders.  Nuclear Weapons in the hands of rational decision makers with populaces held accountable is one thing, nuclear weapons in the hands of irrational leaders with ties to terror groups and a lack of regard for the populaces at risk is another.   While the leadership in Iran may be rational, their blatant ties to terror groups HAMAS and HEZBOLLAH make the proliferation of weapons to Iran an unacceptable risk that would embolden their aggressive intrusiveness in the affairs of American allies, likely prompting a larger arms race in the Middle East with potentially catastrophic consequences.   North Korea, is the farthest thing from a rational actor, the reclusive hermit state controlled under the Kim Dynasties cult of personality has left it isolated from modernity, as its military build up and life-long brainwashing of its citizens by looped propaganda depicting the Kim's as demigods make them a horrifying security threat.  They have nuclear war heads, nuclear reactors and have recently tested long range missiles.  They threaten America, South Korea and Japan routinely, including firing on civillians and torpedoing South Korean Naval vessel killing 45 sailors this passed year.  America has close to 40,000 troops in the region, and our close ally, the makers of KIA and LG have a city of more than 10,000,000 people in Seoul that are in range of their weapons.  Sanctions have further isolated the region, causing further suffering for the population at large while the leaders of the regime have managed to insulate themselves.  New UN Sanctions targeted at the parties leadership are a necessary response, but unlikely to noticeably change the situation without tough action from China.

Dennis Rodman and the Harlem Globetrotters Harlem Shake Across the 38th Parallel

   Bill Clinton, with all his successes, biggest mistake may have been to allow North Korea to go Nuclear; a hard lesson for Barack Obama has tries to figure out what to do with Iran.  With Iran we have a range of options on the table and as negotiations begin, Iran should take heed to continue cooperating with the UN by converting enriched uranium to forms useable only for peaceful purposes.  There is really not an easy solution to the North Korea problem, sanctions will only further hurt the North Korean People but are unlikely to push the regime over the edge.  There is of course one cause for hope in the North Korean/American relations, and he goes by the name of Dennis "the Menace" Rodman (former rebound champion of the NBA) and has the backing of the still undefeated Harlem Globe Trotters.  These would be super agents have all the athleticism to be superb assassins and after the success of Rodman's visit to North Korea this past week it seems a real possibility.  I'm confident he could at least get the leader drunk enough on his star power to give up the nukes.  Sending them back in on a mission with a different motive could be the carpool lane in gridlocked traffic solution we've been looking for since 1957.  Its ARGO meets ZOOLANDER, this one has potential, but its not a movie.  Its a strange world.  Those newport beach house parties seem along way away now don't they my friend.  

Fox News Obituary for Hugo Chavez
   Ding Dong, the witch is dead! Hugo Chavez finally croaks over ridding the world of one more damn commie!  Exxon has immediately assumed control of the oil fields and former mlb batting average champion, Andres Gallaraga, has just been appointed as the new interim leader.

A Fair Assessment of Hugo Chavez's Legacy

   With Hugo Chavez, dead, a mixed legacy is left.  The favorite problem child of the right and exemplary leftist victim to others, his influence is undeniable.  Venezuela has the world's largest oil reserves, and he managed to take control of all of them and use the proceeds to provide generous and wildly popular welfare benefits to not only his citizens, but at times even American poor.   For you die hard money lovers, he died 8 times wealthier than Mitt Romney.  He is no saint, he was undeniably a socialist and problem to American economic interests in the region, but he also served the interests of his populace at large, something that good political leaders should do before everything else.  He managed to survive a coup orchestrated by the Bush Administration and significantly increased his influence across South America amongst the communist world.   Unfortunately he also seemed to have tied himself up with elements of Islamist extremism, an unforgivable offense and real security threat to the US.  He also invested in groups unpopular amongst foreign populations at large, to help advance his national interests under the guise of  Socialist Universalism.  The ultimate villain of the far right, he won the friendship of Sean Penn and respect of Oliver Stone.  I never met him, I cannot speak one way or another but as far as leftist megalomaniacs yielding the unlimited power of the State he was a far cry from the disastrous dictators of the proletariat demonstrated by Mao and Stalin.  While his policies were problematic to American economic interests and the wealthy landowners of Venezuela, he did seemingly improve the overall prosperity and self-sufficiency of his country, despite high inflation rates and an expanded welfare state, easily winning re-election four times and making strides to diversify the Venezuelan economy.  His mistrust of American agents was understandable after the Bush Administration's failed coup attempt, providing a clear example of how the attempted removal of popularly elected leaders only further destabilize the regions they take place in and end up hurting American security interests and reputation abroad.  His vice president, uneducated, obese and lacking in the vernacular eloquence of Chavez will lose in the next election to the left-center candidate, Henrique Capriles Ridonski, Governor of Miranda. 

Monday, March 4, 2013

Sequestration explained; the problem and the solution.

Sequestration explained; the problem and the solution.  Barack Obama, John Boehner, Congress, Senate and the American People.  

Part I:
  The most pressing issue of the day is “Sequestration,” a series of automatic budget cuts taking effect that reduce federal discretionary arbitrarily by $85 billion.  The annual federal deficit is approaching 1 trillion dollars per year and our federal debt is now slightly greater than our GDP.  While America is still solvent, and stimulus spending can help in a down economy, it is not sustainable indefinitely without other severe economic consequences including a drag on future growth and/or inflation, at least as our current financial system currently operates.   The fact “Sequestration” went into affect today, shows the broken nature of our political system and risks upsetting a fragile national and global economy along with the lively hoods of millions of Americans and good people world wide, exposing our nation to severe threats at a time we can ill afford such vulnerabilities.   The American Government, the American people, the United State governments, municipalities and county governments, along with its complex array of organizations, companies, corporations and other component parts of America’s social fabrics need to view “Sequestration” as a call for real and significant changes in the way we fund our Government, provide the services and products that account for our constitutionally defined general welfare, hereby defined as sufficiently nutritious daily caloric intake, access to affordable health services, heated housing and clothing along with provisions to provide for the security of persons and property from both domestic and foreign threats.  

     The 6 trillion in debt accumulated under President Barack Obama is irresponsibly high, but with high unemployment, slow economic growth and two Wars under way at the time of his election there were limited options as steep budget cuts would have by definition resulted in an economic depression- or retraction in terms of GDP and economic growth- exasperating the suffering of millions of Americans dependent on the government for basic sustenance.   The 85 billion in arbitrary cuts are not tactically studied for overall economic impact, with DoD spending employing higher percentage of highly trained scientists and engineers, as well as Veterans than the overall economy, and will cause disproportionate economic suffering in areas where the local economy is centered around the military such as San Diego County where 1 in 4 residents are employed in some way by the Department of Defense either directly, or by a company contracted by them. In official congressional hearings, California Representative “Buck” McKean explains, “defense cuts are certainly a path to job loss, especially among our high-skilled workforces. There is no private sector alternative to compensate for the Government’s investment. Secretary of Defense Panetta has said the cuts on the scale of sequestration will result in a 1-percent hike to unemployment and 1.5 million jobs lost.”

   As we saw with the first part of the recession, as corporations shed jobs to protect profit margins, mortgage default rates mirrored unemployment rates crimpling our lending system and putting the major banks at risk of eminent collapse.   Thus far the Government has tried to patch the problems by working within the markets, strategically taking federal treasury funds and moving them to the places believed to be best for the economy at large.  When the major banks received treasury funds it was understood and expected that they would continue lending out money at the 10:1 ratios they legally are permitted under law, and investment banks would continue leveraging at the 30:1 ratios that became commonplace prior to the collapse, the 700 billion stimulus dollars would have easily created 7 trillion in purchasing power for the companies, families, individuals and other borrowers benefiting from the money offsetting the risk of depression and encouraging significant economic growth.  By keeping borrowing rates at historic lows the increased debt liabilities should have remained well below the rates of return by responsible borrowers investing that money in their businesses and other profit driven expenses.  Unfortunately the banks were reluctant to use the money as advised, preferring increases in credit rates in an effort to call in loans as part of the credit crunch and pay back treasury debts rapidly to avoid unspecified strings and ease public discomfort with the big numbers attached to the bailout, whereas increased low rate lending and refinancing along with loan modifications and principal write downs would have better served the public and overall health of the economy.   The federal reserve then instituted a policy of quantitative easing in which new money minted by the fed is used to buy up treasury bonds and mortgage backed securities.  While this has worked at bringing down borrowing rates and keeping the federal government afloat without prompting inflation while propping up the housing markets and supporting small business, their has been a lack of legislation to support quantitative easing spending in an optimal manner.  Legislatures have opted for costly extensions of unemployment benefits and paid for massive increases in food stamps as opposed to investing in public works programs or effective paid job retraining programs.  The banks and big corporations have been generally apathetic and at times outright obstructive towards the interests of the common good and guidance of the executive, preferring insulator tactics of payroll reductions and outsourcing over coordinated and more centrally planned job and median income growth strategies allowing for massive holes in our economic ecosystem as traditionally stable lower middle class unskilled labor positions and other sizeable sectors of manufacturing were outsourced to low cost labor overseas, particularly in China.   The high unemployment brought an influx of new labor supply, allowing opportunistic business owners to garner concessions in contract negotiations, offer lower wages and fewer benefits as short term decision making blinded their ability to see the detrimental long term effects of high unemployment including but not limited to increased crime rates, sweeping social upheaval- as seen by the occupy and tea party movements- wide scale protests and increased ethnic and racial tensions.  

    Wealthy Americans and business owners, benefiting from their ability to access cheap credit and lower labor costs thrived, changing the make-up of the GOP with more radical anti-government libertarian elements, while the recession and budgetary limitations stalled more progressive and liberal hopes.  A Democratic controlled Senate and Presidency fought to overcome irreconcilable differences with an increasingly obstinate and insubordinate Republican controlled congress composed of a high number of Tea Party members who had signed no tax increase pledges and were ideologically very different than the Bush Era GOP.  Previously unspoken norms such as borrowing limit increases suddenly became bargaining chips and heated political negotiations ended with short term fixes deferring problems to future debate, stirring market anxieties and affecting the bond ratings of the United States of America.   As a populist President, Barack Obama sought to increase taxes on the most wealthy while Republicans sought to cut spending, reduce tax write-offs traditionally utilized by the middle class and reduce corporate taxes as a means of freeing up capital and encouraging economic growth, locking us in a impasse where deficit spending has become the politically convenient norm. Excessive deficit spending, excessive regulation, government monopolies and excessive welfare and deficit spending have historically slowed future economic growth, as was the case under FDR in 1937 as debts from the New Deal became due, and under Bush Sr. as debts from Reagan Era Cold War spending became due. Ultimately, in the case of the Barack Obama Administration, the real issue isn’t spending, at least by his administration, rather it has been a lack of sufficient revenues.  The recession and higher unemployment meant lower tax receipts as corporations, companies and individuals re-organized to take advantage of tax loopholes and incentives.  While the 6 trillion dollars in federal debt accumulated since Barack Obama took office is too high, the low rates at which the money was borrowed from the federal reserve mean that the interest paid from the treasury each year on that debt is only around 76 billion or around 5% of our GDP, enough to cause a drag on future government driven growth (albeit, the bond holders may very well use the 76 billion dollars in a way that grows the economy faster than government spending would have), but reasonable considering that federal spending increased at the lowest rates in nearly half a decade and needed to continue spending to prop up the economy in down swing.  Revenues are too low because unemployment rates and trade deficits are too high.  The “Sequestration” cuts draconian as they are make room in the budget to begin paying back these debts.

         Market place dynamics as originally explained by Adam Smith in “Wealth of Nations,” supply-demand explanations of human behavior are all important elements of healthy economics.   However, profit motives negatively affect the way in which specific components of general welfare are supplied, adversely affecting the individual interests paying for the service or product.  In health, a privatized healthcare system creates a financial motive to keep individuals slightly sick and addicted and costs associated with health high.  According to the Government, Abuse of prescription medicines is unbelievably high with seven million Americans using psychotherapeutic drugs non-medically ( with residual costs increasing as side affects developed from prescription abuse add additional costs with unintentional overdose deaths by usage of opiates exceeding those of heroine and cocaine.  Unhealthy and addicted citizens become unproductive and unprofitable workers, reducing our economic viability and industrial capacity as a nation.   Unfortunately, millions of American are going without the basic medicines and treatments that can potentially save their lives or improve their health as cost barriers or other deterrents discourage treatment, while others exhaust financial resources reserved for medical expanses by utilizing unnecessary medicines and treatments.

       The federal reserve can print all the money it wants and buy up treasury bonds and mortgage backed securities as quick as the currency can be cut from the press, but if legislative laws and institutional practices persist to unfairly limit access to low rate credit and capital investment to specific groups than those groups’ growing edge in terms of financial resources will give them unfair competitive advantages that continue to aggravate disparities of wealth and increase class related tensions.  Those that are already wealthy and have good credit, will pay less for their money as the poor already paid lest regardless of work ethic or talent, pay usury rates for money borrowed just to get to the work sight, pay for ongoing education and basic groceries or expenses. 

         Crony Capitalism, kick backs, future job offers and outright corruption within the granting of DoD contracts, as exemplified by the no bid contracts awarded to Haliburton, a company former run by Vice President Cheney, but rampant in areas of health, energy and security across party lines in the congress and senate showcase the cost to tax payers of the network of arms and private security forces operating as mercenaries for major corporations in the energy and defense fields proliferate massive financial incentives to promote military conflict and military spending with lengthy histories of supplying weapons to the very enemies we currently buy their products to defend us from as exemplified by the Lockheed martin and Raytheon designed naval and air capacity of Iran.   

        Market competition and healthy economics, innovation, entrepreneurship and free-enterprise have long been crucial components of the America way, but national security and the general welfare of the populace is the priority, treason and obstruction have pushed the greatest country this world has ever known uncomfortably close to the edge, and a change must come.  Budget cuts will further hurt the economy in the short term, tax increases will risk slowing private sector economic growth and hiring leaving new revenues as the only viable option available.  By creating a national energy company, a nationalized bank, a nationalized health insurance program and nationalizing our largest weapons manufactures while allowing them to compete against non-governmental entities coordinated more tightly and subordinated to the executive, we can generate sufficient revenues to close our federal deficits, create jobs and improve our ability to protect our citizens and allies while providing superior health care and financial well-being but all of this depends on a cooperative legislature.  The executive can use the bully pulpit and executive powers to pressure the legislature, but there are constitutional limits to what Barack Obama can do, Sequestration is going to shake up the hornets nest over the next year and if the Republican continue to stand in the way risk being swept from control of the Congress with an invigorated democratically controlled congress, senate and executive ready to push America forward.  
    Part II:  In achieving a balanced budget America needs to embrace a model of dual federalism where federal, state and local government are reserved control of reasonable revenues.   For control of oil reserves on federal lands and other energies, the fed should create a federal company but should higher labor from the states where work is being done when sufficient professionals can be trained or provided by the state.  The proceeds of federal drilling should go back into the federal infrastructure bank to save up for a future overhaul of our energy grid, investment in clean energy projects, maintenance of roads and subsidies for clean tech cars and solar panels.  Managing a federal hospital system is inefficient so the federal role in healthcare should be reserved to Medicaid, Medicare and a new optional for purchase federal health insurance comparable to those already provided to federal workers with a brief note that the VA hospitals are federal managed to a large extent.  States, as seen in their hospitals attached to universities should be expanded and can provide phenomenal health care in addition to state government revenues.    The provision of providing affordable single payer health insurance options should be the goal of these programs, only possible with aggressive legislation halting the inflation of health care costs.  National security is legal grounds for the government to do a lot and in light of the struggles major weapons firms have had in filling their federal contracts, particularly with F-35, the federal government is fully within its legal authority to assume control of Lockheed-Martin and any other weapons companies.  Doing so, America can increase sales to allied nations in Europe, Israel, Japan and South Korea to boost treasury revenues. 

      In the short-term, Congress and Senate should immediately pass legislation to offset 10 billion dollars of sequestration effecting the global war on terror operations, nuclear weapons proliferation, minority and small business programs, office of civil rights, office of economic research, operation and maintenance marine corps, office of federal student aid, employment and training administration, the corps of engineers and the national endowments for the Arts and humanities.
     Additionally I would emphasize the need for serious coordination between the nation’s largest corporations and banks, along with the CEOs and the department of commerce to provide for government guaranteed loans to expand domestic job roles and invest in financial growth by the sale of US services and products abroad, with sweeping executive authorities and pressures to ensure 100% by in by any CEOs or companies called to serve Patriotic duties and the common good. 

Commissioned By Phillip Reilly 

Argo - 500bc - 2013

Argo - 500bc - 2013; Iran, Nuclear Weapons, Oscars and Ben Affleck

  The Persian Empire has long served as the foil to Western Civilization beginning the Persian and Delian League wars dating back to 500bc as the Athens lead their allied Greek City states against the invading Persian Armies.  The tight fisted authoritarian rule of the Persians were the antithesis of the freedom loving democracies of the Greek City States.  After the Iranian Parliament voted to nationalize British owned oil fields within Iran in 1951, the British attempted a failed coup, and then with the coordination of the CIA during Operation AJAX successfully orchestrated a second coup with the help of key Generals to restore the constitutional monarch of the English and American aligned Shah Pahlavi. With brutal oppression of communists and the national front grievances amongst the populace boiled over into the Islamic Iranian Revolution of 1979 under which the revolutionaries ousted the Shah and established an Islamic Republic under the leadership of Ayatollah Khomeini. In the heat of the Revolution, the American embassy was sieged and 66 hostages were taken beginning a spectacular and intense showdown between the US and new Iranian government.  6 diplomats at the Embassy managed to escape and find refuge at the nearby Canadian and Swedish Embassy.  The award winning film, ARGO, tells the harrowing true story of a CIA agent who leads an extraction team posing as Canadian filmmakers that enters Iran to provide fake Canadian Passports to the American diplomats hiding in the Canadian embassy, who manage to escape with the help of the CIA agent and his team by positioning the diplomats as actors in the film the Iranian Government had authorized the CIA team believed to be Canadian to film.

   As a movie, “ARGO” has been by all measures a tremendous success, winning 8 Oscars, including best picture and doing exceptionally well in the box office, earning over 130 million dollars to date.  The film combines action, factual history and elements of comedy in a way that left the audience in the theater when I first saw the film giving a round of applause.  Ben Affleck plays the confident and stubborn operative Tony Mendez superbly with noteworthy performances by George Clooney and John Goodman providing the charm and humor that make the movie so adored. If you are American, you have to love ARGO because it reminds us of a simpler time when we were the good guys outsmarting enemies by creative guile. As a subtle propaganda piece, the film does an excellent job at juxtaposing the American ideals of freedom with Middle Eastern oppression by illustrating historically real events.

   In the context of contemporary events, the film was timed perfectly with harrowing situations across the Middle East, most notably the events that transpired last October when the American Embassy in Libya was raided by an Islamist militia.  After the 1979 Revolution all 66 hostages were eventually eventually released at the end of 444 harrowing days of intense negotiation.  The crisis had a large role in Reagan’s election and early popularity. Unfortunately events in Libya had less fruitful outcomes as 4 members of the American diplomatic mission were killed.  Tensions between the Iranian and American Governments remain high even today as discussions on Iran’s nuclear program commence in the coming weeks.

Commissioned by Phillip Reilly