Domestic Security Recommendations
The Terorrist Organization, lead by Abu Bakr al-Bagdadi, hereby
referred to as ABTO, presents a direct threat to the United States of
America, our allies, its friends and partners. Leadership and
history have brought the United States of America to a position of
global leadership and prevalence as the world's only super-power. It
is our responsibility to continue providing the leadership, the world
expects and address the very real security risks presented by ABTO.
Part of providing for security however, includes an effective
direction of our domestic security apparatus. These are directives
that the federal government bureacracies can implement to advance the
interests of domestic security. As a Master of Science in Homeland
Security I recommend the following actions to bolster domestic
Secret Service – The US secret service's first priority is to
provide security for the POTUS. This is going to require increased
vigililance by agents. Tightening access to the President is going
to become an increasing neccessity. Continued adhearence to
protocols ensuring that the chain of command is not accumulated in
one location is going to become increasingly important.
Secret Service is also charged with the responsibilty of providing
for the security of other heads of states and there is particular
threat to the heads of state of coalilition partners, most notibly
the Queen of England, the Royal Family, their business holdings and
propeties. This also of course includes all of our the leaders of
the European Nations and all of the cooperating partners of the Arab
League and any other heads of state visiting the United States of
America. A top secret state of emergency authorization for the
Secret Service and in coordination with the NSA and Computer
Emergency Readiness Team, all technological means available to
idenity threats of violence directed towards heads of state will be
employed and all leads will then be passed to either the FBI, DHS,
state police, the local sheriff or police chief to investigate. When
each lead is sent from the Secret Service the receiving officer will
be notified that they have 4 hours to assign a team of officers,
agents or deputies to the case and that they will be required to
report on their progress in 4 hours time. When such suspects are not
located within 24 hours of the lead being issued, the lead would be
handed over to the FBI. Either an emergency bill providing for more
Secret Service budgetary dollars or alternatively an executive order
re-allocating other Homeland Security Assets to Secret Service is
Computer Emergency Readiness Team is going to need to be bolstered to
identify and address threats at US service members, their families
and directed to target ISIS and al-Qaeda networks to cull actionable
intelligence, identify threats and route them to the appropriate
policing agency or department for further action.
Federal Emergency Management Agency should organize and conduct a
number of drills geared towards prepping for a catastrophic terrorist
attack while bolsering supplies of medical treatments for possible
biological, chemical or even nuclear weapons. There needs to be a
focus on databasing key personell that could be employed or called in
to act as emergency managers and calling them as neccessary.
Disaster Assistance should continue its focus on weather and climate
related disasters.
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center needs to implement training
programs and author materials on the various terrorist groups
including information on the ethnic, national and religious sects
from which they originate or are based, while balancing information
with religious sensitivity training. As the Islamic State is
predominately an offshoot of the Sunni Salafi tradition, federal
police, sheriffs and police should be trained to ask questions to
identify if a suspect may be salafi, harbor stong anti-american
sentiments, or have sympathies with the Islamic State. It is
important to note that while Iraqi and Syria are the current center
points of the Islamic State that it is a pan-Sunni movement. It is
also important to understand the strong possibility of an attack
against Iranian Nuclear Reactors and the prevalence of Al-Quds, an
Iranian Shi'ite Clandestine Intelligence organization that has
aggressively funded and armed anyone willing to fight USA and
American interests, whether Al-Qaeda, Mexican Cartels, the Socialist
Venezuelan government and Hezbollah, a Shi'ite Lebanese terrorist
group. Training on identifying surveillance activities is key, as
they are likely to conduct surveillance for potential terrorist
attacks on US and Coalilition partner embassies, Jewish Community
Centers, Synagogues, Cultural Centers and Holocaust memorials,
military recruitment centers and an increasing volume of threats
surrounding the families of US military service members.
TSA is going to need be extra vigilent in its inspections and
surveillance of transportation and individuals using such
transportation. As its been a long time since there has been an
attack, guards may be lowered, managers need to stress the very real
threat USA is currently facing and TSA should be instructed to
investigate any and all suspicious activity, keep cars moving and
immediately contain unattended packages into blast shells that can be
investigated by bomb sniffing dogs. While previous attacks have
focused on airways, it is important not to neglect subways, trains
and busses.
Citizenship and Immigration Services need to be extra discerning in
granting student, education and travel visas, refugee status or
assylum. Understandably as a result of the crisis in the Middle
East, North Africa and now with Ebola in West Africa there is going
to be individuals looking to flee and fly to the US. While some will
be good people looking and needing protection, the US cannot accept
them at this time, they need to stay in their respective regions
where UN refugee camps and hosting governments training for
operations are being conducted. Middle or upper-middle class status
is not in any way immunity from terrorist recruitment, there are
numerous terrorist actors that come from wealth and many others that
have presented very magnaminous intentions on their student visa
applications that have then bragged about how learning English and
studying in the US will help them advance their Jihad in intercepted
social network coorespondances.
The US Coast Guard is going to increase its efforts to interdict and
investigate the inflow of ships that may be carrying terrorist actors
and weapons for an attack along with common human and drug smuggling
There is going to need to be an amplified effort to update Border
Patrol with names and faces of potential terrorist infiltrators,
intel on plots and searches for weapons, conventional, chemical,
biological or even nuclear. Border crossings close to major cities
are of particular concern, there is a possiblity of terrorist groups
entering into Mexico, purchasing assistance in smuggling or even
purchases of stolen cobalt to be utilized in dirty bombs. It is
imortant to keep in mind, that Afghanistan is the leading producer of
opium and the Taliban allowed for Al-Qaeda to establish sophisticated
smuggling networks that would provide products, Mexican drug cartels,
particulalry the Zetas, Knights Templar (not to be confused with the
Knights Templar of the Crusades or any modern reinventions) and
Sinoloan Cartels would be interested in acquiring and protecting.
The smuggling routes could take a number of paths, from Afghanistan
to Indonesia to Latin America, Afghanistan to Vietnam to Mexico,
Afghanistan to Malaysia to Latin America, Afghanistan to North
African Countries to Latin America. In proximity to the Southern
border I am more focused on it, but terrorist plots have also
involved entering in to the US from the Canadian border. The Islamic
State and Al-Qaeda are directly linked, Boko Haram and Ansar
al-Sharia are closely linked. Combined with their proxies, they have
had active terrorist attacks in Belgium, France, London, Spain,
Germany, USA and Australia. These groups have engaged in open
warfare in Nigeria, Mali, Central Africa, North and South Sudan,
Egpyt, Tunisia, Libya, Cameroon, Algeria, Yemen, Syria, Afghanistan,
Pakistan, Palestine and Iraq, Somalia and Kenya, with common
financial backing from private citizens from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and
the United Arab Emirates. They have been excited by the military
successes of the Islamic State, particularly their propaganda film,
“Flames of War,” and many individually inspired acts to behead
infidels in public executions have been popular.
Immigration and Customs Services is going to take every suspicious
activities report seriously. Prior to the September 11th
attacks there were several reports on the Al-Qaeda hijackers were
brushed off as Islamophobic reports. If people are calling about them
it is very possible that it is not because they are Muslims peacefuly
practicing their religion but because they are terrorists planning
attacks and therefore, no longer Muslim.
Anti-Trust Division of the DOJ can be used to investigate financial
handling of companies with high volumes of financing from countries
with active terrorist groups. There needs to be care in the conduct
of these actions, but there may be patterns of financial movement
that can help predict attacks or interdict financing operations by
the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda.
ATF can play an active role investigating suspicious gun purchases,
working to form programs with gun suppliers and shooting ranges to
encourage reporting on suspicious persons. As we saw with the
Al-Shabaab mall shootings in Kenya, conventional weapons can become
equally effective weapons of terror. A small cell of four or five
terrorists can do substantial damage with a few machine guns or
semi-automatic weapons legally purchased and illegally modified by
internet purchased kits. Established non-human monitoring of
suspicious combinations of purchases, or web visits, such as gun
purchaes, large ammo purchases and frequent visits to either jihadi
websites or even right wing extremist websites, that are then
automated into reports that can be used to garner warrants for the
ATF to investigate or make arrests can significantly help prevent
Bureau of Justice Statistics can look at data for patterns of Islamic
Radicalism and closely monitor individuals that may have been
radicalized in prison soon to be, or recently released as potential
culprits to be activated by the way of the internet and extensive
ABTO and its proxies recruitment.
Community Oriented Policing Services need to include increasingly
sophisticated strategies towards protecting peacefully practicing
Muslims while identifying potential members of terrorist sleep cells
and investigating appropriately.
targeting heroine and opium sales, the DEA may find valuable leads
relating to Al-Qaeda heroine smuggling routes and key persons.
The Executive Office of Immigration Review is going to have an active
role in reviewing student and other visas, particularly as it relates
to visas given to guests from nations with terrorist activities, many
of whom may have gone AWOL, deciding not to go home to their war torn
countries rather hide and wait in the USA, perhaps with funding and
direction from terrorist handlers.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation will continue to have the lead on
terrorist investigations and will need to have increasing resources
to vigilently conduct their investigations, penetrate operational
cells, prevent terrorism and when possible make arrests.
The Marshalls service is going to be on active call from the various
agencies, as actionable leads are uncovered and warrants awarded,
then US Marshalls will have an active role in making arrests and
transporting alleged terrorists to the various courts and
jurisdictions. US Air Marshalls will also have an active role in
protecting flights.
Special Office of Justic Programs will need to be drafted and
implemented to assist in carrying out anti-terrorism justice.
The Parole commission is going to need to be extra mindful of
potential paroles that may adhere to radical interpretations of Islam
and vulnerable to terrorist recruitment. The Parole Commissions
should use what administrative leeway they have to deny such
suspicious inmates Parole.
The US National Cenral Bureau – Interpol is going to be increasing
coordiation with European partners relating to the travel of jihadi
suspects to Syria and other parts of the Middle East and North Africa
more so than ever. There have been serious failures of communication
and coordination, with Jihadi suspects for example, flying from
Istanbol to France, where the suspects were able to walk off the
plane without arrest, and in fact, after finding one police station
empty, had to go to another town's police station to turn themselves
in. With a serious immigration crises surrounding Syria, Iraq and
Libya, many at risk individuals will be making efforts to fly to the
United States of America to garner amnesty. Some will be
well-intentioned, but others will cary with them a very high risk of
terrorist recruitment. Jordani refugee camps and increasingly
Turkish refugee camps are hotbeds for jihadist activities. In the
chaos of civil wars many prisoners from these countries were released
or escaped from prison in the chaos of the civil war, administrative
offices could have been used to issue authentic, fake documents. The
US needs to tightly monitor all flights to these regions, and flights
from these regions, monitoring saeble and other airline databasis and
cross refrencing them with terrorist watch lists, financial
transactions with known or suspected terrorist front groups and when
possible, Internet Protocol Addresses or other communications, then
coordinating or relaying this information via Interpol to pertinent
partner countries where they may be traveling.
The Department of State is going to have an active role via its Visa
Services, US Mission to the United Nations, National Passport
Informaiton Center and American Citizens Services and crisis
Management to help US Citizens vulnerable to terrorist attack or
kidnapping, providing relevent information and travel warnings about
the risks, what to be weary of and how best to stay safe in countries
where terrorist networks exist. The State Department is going to
play a vital cooridnating and diplomatic role, helping to build
prosecutory and security against terror, while simultaneously
lobbying and providing for the safety of all US personel traveling
The Department of Treasury will be able to increase their efforts to
montior financial transactions for potential terrorist financing and
funding. It will also have role in holding various departments,
agency's and agent accountable to their jobs.
Bulletins on potential suspects, on how to report suspicious
activities and identify certain patterns suggestive of terrorist
activities should be distributed to the Department of Transporation,
the Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Department of
Interior, Department of Commerce, Department of Education, Department
of Agriculture, Department of Energy and Department of Health and
Human Services. I want every employ of goverrment, at all levels,
from the Department of Defense to School Teachers to have rudimentry
understanding of the geography of the Middle East and North Africa,
an understanding of Islam's division between Sunni and Shi'ite, the
main terrorist groups, their regional origin and basic goals. The
Civil Rights Act will be followed without exception; however,
citizens and employees of the government will be encouraged to use
their first amendment rights at free speech to ask questions, to
engage suspicious individuals in conversation and flush out
intentions and sypathies to identify potential terrorist suspects.
Respect for Islam, Muslim beliefs and practice will be maintained at
all times, particularly relating to prayer, dress and dietary
expectations. It is important not to stereotype Muslims as
terrorists, be open to learning about a different culture and
learning about their country's of origin, understanding of history
and approach to life. Many Muslims are of exceptional character,
have refreshing understanding of God and care for humanity. Women
will be permitted to cover their hair according to the Qu'aran;
however, cultural practices of covering the full face and body will
be met with the utmost suspicion and officers of the law are
permitted to initiate investigations on such grounds alone, as
excessively warm clothes on warm days have long been established as
grounds of suspicious activity to warrant further investigation.
Such practices of full body garments are not rooted in the Qu'aran
rather primariliy a cultural practice that developed in regions where
sandstorms are prevalent.
The Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration
is going to be of increasing importance. Security surrounding Power
plants, nuclear, natural gas and oil, particularly is going to
require increasing vigilence and the hiring of additional security
personel is highly recommended.
Security around medical laboratories and science labs using
contageous biological or dangerous chemical agents is also going to
need to be increased.
Calling local law enforcement, the County Sheriff and requesting
regular patrols is appropriate. As is requesting the DOJ and DHS to
investigate the backgrounds of individuals who you may find
Increasing security around the Department of Defense and families of
the DoD is going to be required, with the Inspector General, NSA and
National Geospatial Intelligence Agency increasing efforts to secure
the families of the DoD from targeting.
heads of all of the above mentioned departments should establish
clear quantifiable goals, attached to time lines, that relate to
increasing our countries efforts to prevent terrorism.
FBI may set a goal according to the number of terrorist
investigations, or arrests, or prosecutions, or thwarted terrorist
acts. All of these goals will be broken down into incremental
time/quota basesis, with each agent assigned a goal that they will be
held accountable towards attaining. Contract renewals and bonuses
will be awarded according to performance, discretion provided and
disciplinary action to erroneous or irresponsible actions made as an
effort to reach quotas. The goal is not to harass and arrest
innocent people, the goal is to responsibily investigate terrorism
related crime, identify terrorists and prevent acts of terrorism.
The heads of each department are going to have a better idea as to
what type of goals they can realistically meet, and choose whether or
not they want to designate goals or allow for their agents to set
their own goals and then tally them together for a department wide
goal. I prefer the ladder method, as it allows agents to set their
pace that they are comfortable with while providing for department
wide goal that encourages team efforts and fellowship.
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