Tuesday, October 21, 2014

True Liberalism

         A recent White House posting against corporate restructuring, demonizing the structuralization of corporations by legal means that involve creating corporations in lower tax countries where business operations are conducted reveals everything about the ideology of personnel very close to the President. While it is far from clear as to whether or not the President authorized the postings or that the president felt anything other than the same anger I felt, the anti-capitalist depictions on whitehouse.gov could have been lifted from old soviet propaganda pieces, and I fear that this is going to severely hurt both the democratic party in the mid-term elections and the true liberalism that has defined the Anglo-American system and facilitated the victory of the world order we enjoy today. Stalin, Hitler, our big communist and our big national socialist, were not liberal, they were conservative. They believed in rigid hierarchy, a state that dictates all and were againt private property, freedom of speech, press or religion and any protections for individuals. The leadership of the United States is falling for the same traps of power and the survival of our party is dependent on a clear seperation from communist banter and adherence to true liberalism. True liberalism lives in John Stuart Mill's marketplace of ideas and the harm principle, John Locke's emphasis on the importance of property rights and Adam Smith's emphasis on free markets.

       John Stuart Mill uses the examples of Socrates, Jesus and Galileo to point out that many times, the most correct in an epoch will be deemed wrong by their peers and persecuted, impeding progress and robbing that generation from the truth. With the greeks killing Socrates, the Pharisees killing Jesus and the Catholic church blinding Galileo, an unlimited and encouraged freedom of speech and idea is the only means of making sure that the best idea is not supressed. John Stuart Mill postulates that, "Liberty consists in the freedom to do everything which injures no one else; hence the exercise of the natural rights have no limits accept those which assure to the other members of society the enjoyment of the same rights.  These limits can only be determined by law. (JSL, "On Liberty")   An entire body of law stems from the harm principle, and fundamental to liberalism is the idea that govenrment is not above this law and that when it causes harm, it has to be liable for the harm it has caused.  Power can only exercised justly "over any member of society," when it is to "prevent harm to others," and so tort law developed.

         John Locke was among the most influential english philosphers influencing our founding fathers. The idea was not a triumph of the state, but the formation of clear protections for private property as the fundamental motive and means of securing a healthy economy. In his second treatise on Government, John Locke argues, that "Government has no other end, but the preservation of property."  The idea being that if you owned land, you would work that land responsbily and use it to produce goods for the market that consumers would pay for. According to Locke, there is a need for clear property rights, that property should be strongly encouraged and protected by the State.  While some may not own land, they still own their bodies and John Locke would argue that, "Everybody has a property in his own person.  This nobody has a right to, but himself."  The idea of hours of work as property, or the products of work as property, to be traded for currency stems from this logic.  Private property encourages responsibility and responsibility leads to more productive work and self-sufficiency.

        Adam Smith believed that the Governments control on the economy inhibitied markets, preventing the fair and natural exchange of goods and ideas. The negotiated balance between consumers and producers was the surest means of encouraging production that met the needs of the populace. Adam Smith correctly professes, "Little else is requisite to carry a state to the highest degree of opulence from the lowest barbarism but peace, easy taxes, and a tolerable administration of justice: all the rest being brought about by the natural course of things."  Market demands would guide actions, encourage solutions and then reward those innovations. The concept of laissez-faire involved resisting the tempation to try and control how things are done, especially when that one does not work in the industry or field he is attempting to regulate, instead encouraging and defending the choice of consumers, workers, investors and contractors. Furthermore, "As soon as government management begins it upsets the natural equilibrium of industrial relations, and each interference only requires further bureaucratic control until the end is the tyranny of the totalitarian state."  The incentive to profit and self-intererst would guide humanity to make the right choices and thereby create a better functioning society more capable of providing for the well-being of its citizens.

        The congressoinal record will show that Communists long ago plotted to infiltrate the major medias, forums of entertainment, school boards, the fields of psychology and other unelected positions of governent so that they could slyly and subtley influence the minds of the masses and encourage the adoption of their doctines. Those interrogated by the FBI during the McCarthy Era verified the reality of such coordinated conspiracies.  Marxists argue for a historical process by which the state would come to control the means of production. What is alarming, is the lack of respect for private property, privacy or profit-motive.  The latest talk amongst Marxists is that it failed in Russia because there needs to be Capitalism first to build up industry.  These Marxists are arguing that they have a right to steal the businesses that they were too incompetent to build, ignoring the reality that they will soon run them into the ground. The reality of communism and national socialization is not mixed, on all occasions there experiments have failed and the regimes that persist have sustained themselves almost entirely on propaganda, lies and violent oppression. While they purport to be scientific or rational, they continually dismiss imperical, scientific and mathematical evidence contradicting the utility and validity of their doctrines.  Marxists lack full functioning faculties.  They have no concept of theology, of legitimate historical research, of economics, of law, of military matters or of governance.  They disregard individual rights, freedom of speech and enact policies that sabotage the performance of markets by hampering the entrepreuneral class with excesively burdensome regulation and taxation, and they levy these laws not for the sake of performance or quality, but for purposes of totalitarian control.  They time and time again allow for racial and class based rhetoric, allowing for race or class to be taken into account in decision-making, advancing the myth of race, encouraging govenrment dependence and discouraging personal responsibility. Why would any African American man vote in support of a system that has arrested and enslaved so many our brothers and sisters, encourged their dependence on food stamps and other social welfares and moved them to the ghettos they call projects.  What should be offered, is a true liberalism, where all individuals are respected as individuals, provided private property, afforded privacy and all, regardless of sex, race, or sexual orientation are equal before the law, and have equal opportunities in society, with the merit of your actions and your work the determining factor as to what you can acomplish and the heights you can reach. Liberalism should be defined as generosity. The issue then rests in the reality that communist and national socialist regimes have such flawed economic policies and theories that they can rarely afford to be generous. The end result is that the accomplishments of our merit is divided into the lowest common denominator, further reducing the total product, and then reducing common denominator with each and every year.  The limited successes of Marxist regimes, late Lennon-era Russia and under General Deng in China, resulted from marketization, when quotas required for the state were reduced to nominal amounts the production of the communes were then traded on the open market.  Such really isn't Marxism, its command Capitalism, a reality that without independent courts and individual protections, can quickly become indistinguishable from Fascism.  With all do respect for the good intentions of Barack Obama, it is hard to overlook the austerity measures necessitated by the Capital flight prompted by the fear on Wall Street that a socialist was coming to power.

   Let our goal be to liberate the public from onerous bureaucracy and red tape, to unhinge their natural instincts and talents, to use personal responsibility and the profit motive to encourage the best in their performance and accomplishments. Let us take legal and electoral action to show that we are against the oppressive mechanisms of the state and its artificial stunting of civilization's growth, and for the individuals, organizations, companies, religious groups and people's freedom and liberty.  The sum total of our liberty will always produce more for the people and in turn yield more for our rightful leaders.  I tell you, my dear reader, that with faith, responsibility and wise council you are able to make good decisions for yourself and yield resources to responsibly provide for those who need and/or want your help. We don''t believe you need much help from the Federal Government or State beyond basic security, adequate infrastructure, access to impartial independent courts of law willing to uphold traditional criminal and tortious notions of common law.  I am rather certain that the bulk of your governmental needs can be provided by the county and the municipality and that the reach of the federal government should be constrained by a literal interpretation of the constitution, easy taxes and ample enterprise funds. I know that we have been lied too and I ask how any government can hope to govern without the people's consent, how any government can hope to gain consent without trust, and how any government can gain trust without being honest?  Anything otherwise would be unconscionable tyranny.  I respect the first amendment rights of both Marxists and Muslims, many are good and honest people, but I cannot defend anyones right to lie about such matters and contend that they have been taught the wrong things and accepted the wrong council.  I have spelled out my beliefs and am a faithful Episcopalian, and so I prefer you look to your local ministers and the region's bishop for council. I tell you that my Church, I tell you that our Church, I assure you that our God believes in you and that with the grace of your faith in Him, that you will be doing exceptional in no time.

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At October 21, 2014 at 5:51 PM , Blogger Anonymous said...

I can envision a synthesis of both conservatism and liberalism. I have to disregard all media imposed stigmas. You keep what works (conservative) and change what doesn't (liberal) to maintain sustainability.


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