Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Why the Republican Party lost the Election

Why the Republican Party lost the Election and did not come close to winning my vote. 

    If the Republican party ever wants to see power again it is going to have to learn the market dynamics of voting. As with consumption, voters are self interested and vote according to what they percieve as their self-interest. The republican party seems to have missed this notion. Romney can blaim gift giving and government services for his loss all he wants, but just as commissions motivate a salesman, aid programs and social serivces motivate citizen votes. As popular as anti-government attacks may be amongst the right, they will never be able to win a popular election and the people will never forfeit their right to democracy for the sake of an ideological understanding of our economic system. While loudmouths are ideological, the majority of individuals for what is effective and in crucial swing states, voters recognized that saving General Motors, TARP and the infastructure components of the stimulus package saved and/or created jobs at a time when unbriddled capitalism would have caused calamity and immense unneccessary suffering. The majority of Americans persist to see college education and homeownership as fundamental to the American Dream whether banks and corporations continue seeing them as profitable or not. Health care is seen by most as a neccessity and unhealthy individuals are less likely to be financially flush enough to pay for the care they need. While many Republicans may see taxes as a punishment of success, they should acknowledge the role their country and a populace that organizes itself through its elected government has played in allowing for their accumulation of wealth. If the Republican party wants to win elections in the future and be more than just a disgruntled bunch of business owners it needs to move away from depicting government as the problem in their campaigns and prove that they can govern competently. To find the votes they need to not only convince minorities and women that the party serves their interests but adopt a platform that actually emphasizes this. The Tea Party found gains in mid-term elections because it found a middle class message but its politics of gridlock in Congress combined with escalating reversions to bigotry and hate, ridicule of Americans working within the democratic management of resources and the abandonment of growth strategies for the adoption of draw bridge economics lost them a clear opportunity to win the presidency. If the Republicans want to see the light of the oval office again, they are going to have to embrace the 21st Century and modernize their attitudes towards contraceptives, ethnicity, sex and immigration. They are going to have to step down from the moral high ground and consider what the lives of everyday people are like and devise a platform that will make meeting needs easier and lives more fullfilling. As much of an economic wonder Wal-Mart may be, its hard to fathom how it can be seen as the pinacle of western civilization. I for one, see it as its demise and when I think Mitt Romney, Wal-mart and mormonism its the first thing that come to mind. Name associations and religious branding aside, I'm sure this isn't breaking news to you, but if you want to win our votes you are going to have to offer us more than just cheap chinese manufactored goods, military uniforms and an epilogue to the bible.


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